1924-1925 Yearbook

~J e± it 'JJ ean) Oili iiill ,il l : ................... _ ....... _ ..... _ ........................... -... __ ................................... -..... ---_ .... _ ........... -........ __ ._ .. __ ... _._--_ ........ --_ ... : THE OLD WELCOMES THE NEW On-T thiny y~~ jll'!; ngn thl" Arm (If R(,l'o~~in l\1(-n':tntil" COll1p;\ n y was c:;ta hli .s h t!d. This fi nn hal:! \.: nd ea\'on~d th,'ou):dl its I ('n~lh y p e riod as an organb::tt lon t o do that thing which w:t~ .-is-ht, hoping to i't,t'cd\"c In rt-ward t he l:onfi d elw(' and !'IlIllJ)On of our fl"icnd s. Just a little whil~ n~o a ('ol\ E" j:rc' W:1S hroug'ht to our lhridnt; city, a schoo l wh{' r t'in ho.rs and gir l li might n't'l·jv..: a Ch:" <lll, wholt'~OIll~ , ('hri sthln edueatlon :-lTal'ding- (·oIJt.o~t.· . Fmm tilt" 1Jf'~innlllg' WI' han" h(>arUly done ou ,' PHl't ill HuppOI't ing thIs lll( l\'r n1t."IH, lmpi n).! j,nl:v. a~ I JI.~ fon:" to ,"('cl:'ive the ('(mfi(h'n ee and $UPPol'l of ()UI" frir.onds" SCROGGIN MERCANTILE COMPANY T il E BIG DEPAwnI E:->T STO n E KNISELEY DRUG COMPANY PHmIPT:->ESS- CO LJIlTES Y- EFF ICIE:->CY 'f lu'St' Wt' rc~dl "v Ih"l' lIjJ to in p'"l'ry rl'spec t in offC' l' ing Olll" St'I'\'iC:l'S to ali I' cu~ t OIlIt:, rs. lIi ~h(' st grade linc of Toi l et Arti c les F IlES " . PL' IlE DHL' (;S _ T I lE BEST FOU:--iT A IN UHI :--i KS 1 9 Z 5 Pa~'c Om" H undred Sixleen