1924-1925 Yearbook

petit 41 ean) "ii' ilill .tll DRESS WELL AND SUCCEED \Yl' pride o urst'I \'('s on the (,O IT ('("1l1l";'; of 0 11 1' c lothe's fol' Illl'n all d young IlIl' l1. Th('~' han' a ll th e SII1::1r lll l'SS of a p p ea r a n ce ~' OU ('x l)('{' t in tht, \'t'ry typ e (.If clo thing a t l'l'flso nabl c pricC's. CI.OTHCI1A FT TtI(1.01l EIl CLOT I-IES - SI-IO ES SIIIIHS (ltlTS tI:\ Il Ctl PS BROWN & ROLES TilE )IE:\ 'S STOllE Exclllsi ve /Jul Ho i 1~'.t' fJell s i ve f" .................-..........................----........................-........................... Jokes nlHI) LIF"~ "I hm't you N\\Y the binls," sht.' said s(,fUr. " rb; ing b,·fore dawn to st"l'k tht'lr hn-akfa!'it :unon~ th t.' !l·aves?'· .. ~o . I d (, n ' l r dorlt.-d Ill'r 10\'(,1', "tlwy h :1.\ I - thdr lrouhlt'!i ev~ n at that hOul·... il (; \lI'," " HU I how ?" s l l\' asked. "Thn' han' t1wir bill s, and tht'lr hill s an- all u\"t·r d t' w :" Lol a :'Ilatllll'ws-".I3lul' l'Yl'!i St'l'n] tu run tlw most in OUI' famil~'." \\'1111,· Wilhlll'-" Wl'il, 111l' nose S('-.:mli to I'un til ' must in our famil y,'" T\·adh·r-"\\'ht'n was I~om l' built ?'" H(J~·-" , \t nlA"ht." '1\'a('lwl'-"\Vho l old you that?" Bo)"-"You did, you sai d HOllle W;UI n ut huilt In a day."' i\liss II tH'kaday (in Gt'om t'lass)-,\ Irlght Hu !"st'l, pr(J\'t· proposit i on X\' I. " HUl"sd-"W(·II. tilt' line> A Band Car e par;i11zl'c1, :tlld---." .. 'I ' AK I:\ (: SO (' II \X('E~ l "' hlJto~raphi' I'-"Not SUdl a gran' I' xI)ll'sf< ion , plt-ast', Look pka~anl." Ilu ~balld-" Y\'s. but illY wif", is going to !->l'nd o nt' tlf tht-s", ll il- tul't;'s to Iw r motht", and If I look IIlt'asant slw will l'onw on a ,Islt. .. . \dd il' Ba rhl' I'-" :Uo thl' I", whe r e I s the frylll~ pan ',''' i\l"s. B a I'iH' r -" 1 don ' t kllOW , ,,' I!" l 'a ll't iH'p l) a n y ('oo l'] n).:· utt'Il l-llls sin('(' 11 1' I'I Jl' r t Joilll'd l h:l t Il a rd ing (,olll'~' I' OITlwstl'll." ~t'nh)l's \\', n' hUl"n for A"n.'at things, Fn·shm:lll Wl' I'l' ho rn for .i-llllall, Hut It has not been r ecorded "'h~' tile SopilOnHH'd-! \\'Pl'l' born at all. " ' t ' alwilY:' ha\'t;' our It'~~on!; well. . \n<l our l a l1/.:"U:lg"l' is quilt' "piff),. ,,"ht-nl'\'l' l' lh ~' h'al'iln' ;)sks us somt'thin).:", " 't' amm't'r, " In just a Ji ffY:' (Sig-n~d) Fl'cshl l'~. ,192 5 Png(' Om' lIundl'c d 'l'wl'iv(l ~ r