Tri Sigma Delta 1979-83

Dream and A Reality ).{any years ago Christian men and women dreamed of an institution in Arkansas ,mere young men and womer would be instructed in the truth of God as they were being taught the three "R's" Reading, 'Riting and 'Rithmetic. They envisioned the ~tes of that institution going ; to the world to serve as farmers, teachers and -'u.inessmen, but also serving as edicated, capable leaders in God's kingdom at home and abroad. The dream became a reality. It was a humble beginning when compared to the large universities of America, but it was a solid beginning. The school was built upon truths and prinf iples that ~ve charted its course and influenced its ways. Decades have passed and times have changed, but Harding Univer ity rolls on and toudtes the lives of a multitude of people - both on and off th c;· pt: . s sf'l our Creator and Jesus is still our Lord and Savior. The Bible is still our number one textbook and, imperfect ~ "'Y! .~e, ~e strive to be Iii«! our Father inHeaven. We make mistakes, but we ~e that we are headed in the right direction and1ft are "F.duc.1dng for Eternity." More than 20,000 Harding Alumni scattered around the arth and thousands of friends and supporters are looking our way as we preserve th good of the past and press on to greater heights - physically, mentally and spiritually . The following pages are designed to give us an insight into some o the wor 'ngs and accomplishments of.the staff and students of Harding. They are wholly · uate in tellta& the story but they help us to \mderstand the great work being accomplished, We at Harding aregrateful for the m~titude of friends who make our work pollible. We thank you and pray God's blessings upon you even as you have blessed us with your friendship and your support. · tsgreat to De at 1 Warding,. ,pr; · Dr. Oifton L. Gan s, r . Harding Fight Song Go Harding Bisons Go, Bisons, fight! Fight on to victory. Proud of our name We'll win this game ' For black and gold you'll see. (Shout) Fight! Fight! Fight! Go Harding Bisons Go, Bisons, fight! Fight on to victory. Surrender never Fight onward ever' Proud of our tea~ we'll be. ear the foothills of the Ozarks Midst of hill and plain Stands our glorious Alma Mater; Harding is her name. ....._......__......:.,_.._____..,;....__~-- Christian standard is her motto; HA;:~,:· '(' .• ,. '' ~ - TY! FLORENCE Phone: 25 ~ 28~· ~· - Via A. Spadini 24 50018 Scandicci (Florence) Italy Christian life is stressed, And in ev'ry branch of learning, Each one does his best. Harding opens wide her portals, Thus inviting all Who would tread the path to knowledge; Heed then to her call. Sing the chorus! shout it loudly! Echoing thro' the vale. Hail to thee, beloved Harding! Alma Mater, Hail! President Harding University Student Profile F~Ument for fall, 1961: 3,076 (1,593 women, 1,483 men) Geogriiphical Distribution: 47 states, District of Columbia, Samoa and 19 foreign countries St01tes with more than 100 Representatins: Arkansas •(934); Texas (307); Tennessee (228); Missouri (160) OilSs Freshman, 1,004; Sophomore, 768; Junior, 531; Senior, 686 Gradu01te and Special Students: 87 M~ed Students: 320 (159 men, 161 women) Students Housed in Residence Ha.lls: 2,444 (1,148 men; 1,296 women) Grad uate School Enrollment: 266 Degrees Grilllted July 1, 1980 - June JO, 1981 Bachelor of Arts: Bachelor of Business Administra~ion: Bachelor of Science: Bachelor of Science in Medical Technology: Bachelor of Science in Nursing: Bachelor of Social Work: Master of Education: Master of Arts: Master of Arts in Rrllgion: aster of Theology: I·1octor of Ministry: · ciate of Arts inSecretarial Science: 23 4 19 22 1