K- K- !.(an l a sk you sor;n;hin1 \-lithout your t::1i!ll:ing that I 1 i:! bold , :t3ut om· club sat U•J 2. rulin' Anc. T/'lC) r ::C.e s l m~_{st uphol d . ~.~ 1 l1e JJo~-:io t'l I~fl:~~ 1 s T ,.,. -- ""' - 7,. -- . ':-'1 '1'-1 _l _l c~s_,_ .Y0 :.l "''· ·~, Oh r:g, J' ;.s·c loo.::~ -~ho placG . jTOU ,~·lOnt '-'0:; a-c. ;·i1y f-'l ce1 TriKappa Banquet Thursday Evening At Legion Hut The KKK's entertained their dates with an informal banquet at the Legion Hut last Thursday night. The group met in the re– ception room of the men's West Dorm, and walked from there to the scene of the banquet. The group played "Dollar-Dol– lar" and "Wink", upon arrival at the Hut. The welcome was extended by the president of the club, Dorothy Brooks, and Bill See gave the response. Hugh Rhodes acted as Master of Ceremonies for the ', . evenmg. A drawing was held to select the King and Queen of Leap Year. Miss Ruth Langford was chosen for Queen and the King was Her– schel Brenkenridge. Entertainment included a duet by June Taylor and Mary Lou Peck, "Give Me a Little Kiss". Nancy Walker gave a humorous speech on Leap Year. Miss Connie Ford played "Getting Sentimental Over You" and "Beg Your ParThe menu was peach salad, steak, mashed potatoes, peas, combination salad, cherry pie ala mode, and milk and cof– fee. Those present were: Frances Ransburgh, Derien Foutenot; An– na Mae Felts, M. B. Camp; Mary Bell Horsman, Don Horne; El– wanda Williams, Herschel BreckPenicks ; Oleta Holden, Ralph Mary Sanders, Wilma Margie Groover, Bill Williams; Rosemary Harbor, Kenneth White Evideen Hays, Bob Blart'd; June Taylor, Coleman Lenunons; Mabel Jean Goddard, Keith Thompson; Mary Jo Walker, Hugh Newcomb; !leta Buchanan, Charles Wil– Ethelyn McNutt, Jay 0'– ; Joyce Rowden, Winston Mary Lou Peck, Marvin Nancy Walker, James Wanda Wallis, Hugh Groover; Miss Ruth Langford, Dr. Kern Sears; Hugh Rhodes; Connie Ford, Mr. Clarence Hafflinger; Dorothy Brooks, Bill See; Marilyn Hawley, and W. J. Greene.