Tri Kappa 1947-1955

rHREE coinB tlt l'ffZ rounmrn ~ TlU lUi F' PAS 'rf!.J(C CHJ:~ST::? TO RO W~: li'Ol:l AlL SV .BNIEG tiThl'ee Coins In The l"ountaini1 1Nas the theme of the Tri Kc.-;.:rp o. banquet held. Jan~ lh i:n. the BlmY Hoom o!Br the Rendezvous. The scene in the 11 heal"t of Romen and the t ::;.ble decorHtions uere in hm-rmony 'Ni th the theme as the g~oup enjoyed It a lian menu. The center of attr act i on wa s a fo"Lmt a in ,-fi th streaJns of Vi"at:J r flow– ing do v:r.n t he 1·ocks below set-off by indirec t lighting. The a:Ct e:J?-dinner entertainment vms direct ed by Dr. Cliff Gcmus ,_,:ho a ct ed as ma s ter of ceremonies. A game 1as directed by Flora Butherford, "Use Your Imaginat ion" was sung by Sam Haynes and Quell Isom, Joan Haynes, d Flora Rutherford s ang nThree Coins In The Founta in. 11 A Jerry Le u is mumb8r vras n a ntomimed by Burl Ho g ins, follovwd 'by the gu_e ,::; t s p e a lcsr Dr. J8J'l1es Burro1:v. A gold or silve r watch chaln was pre~ented to e ~ ch ¢J.•? s t. Those p r r==: E".ent and the :tr Betty Helm, Bus t e r Glov2I'; Lois Coburn, Ronald Coble; Pa t s y Prevett, Ca l,I1 ol E8.6~e s ; Jo J.\11n ~)e ay, St£~11. SlJ.Slfil– !:18-ker; Carol S tublefiGld, Leroy Alex– anCtel~; Gr 1a. cie ColJUl.,l1., J anis L~vles Norma Ca r pent s r, \Nelclon Hat che r; Rev 2. Beene, Doyle Border; Y~onnG Davis Charles Pi ttm::m; Annette Eendrix, W". ll a ce /~ 1exander ; Jo an Westbrook, Ji1n }Iaye s ; Kathr-yn and Glenn Olbricht; Alta Cheek, Pal Eh Hartman; Betty Weldon, Tom Bro,vn; He len Rice, Ken arQ; ary Etta Grady, Jerry Perrin; Bonnie Cates , Neal Reeves; Quell Isom, Ji.rmny Smith; Flora Rutherford, Burl Hogins; Joan and Sam Raynes; Lolita illiam.s, Maurice Baldwin; Mary Ellen Fletcher, Joe Darrah; ~ille Ander s on, Jack Meredith; Dr. and Mrs. Cliff' Ganus and Dr. .S!.nd MI' s. J i:u11e s Buri'ov:.