hirteen Seniors To ~epresent l-larding ln. Who's Who . . . This week brought honors to 13 Harding seniors, as the office of Dean L. C. Sears mnounced the list of students elected t o the 1954-55 Who's Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges. They wer e chosen by the faculty from a list of 20 n ames submitted by the St udent Council Associat ion. Selection to Who's Who is based on scholarship standing, leadership, ch aracter and the possibility of future usefulness. The winners will be listed in a bound volume of nation-wide campus lea ders. Students named to the honor are James Donald Bro.wn, Sear cy; Jennie Schoolfield Cross, Wichita Falls, Tex.; Carolyn Yvonne Davis, El Dorado; Mary Etta Grady, New– port; William J oe Hacker Jr., Muskogee, Okla.; Paul Ross Magee, Piggott; Billy Joe Mattox, Sear cy; Joan Nance, Newport; Ken Noland, Morrilton ; Tommy Par ish, Keiser; Kenneth Perrin, Pocohantas; Bar– bara Richards, Cleveland, Tenn.; and Jane Sutherlin, Searcy. Kappas Take sts To ·Rome or An Evening "Three Coins in the Fountain" the theme of the Tri Kappa held Jan. 14 in the Blue of the Rendezvous. The scene "heart of Rome" 'and the decorations were in harmony the theme as the group €n– an Italian menu. center of attraction was a with streams of water flow– the rocks below set-off by lighting. Helm, Buster Glover; Lois Ronald Coble; Patsy Prevett, Eades; JoAnn Seay, Stan 1ewm.&4~n- Carol Stubbefield, Le– '"''xa.ncter; Gracie Coburn, Janis Norma Carpenter, Weldon , Reva Beene, Doyle Border; Davis, Charles Pittman; Hendrix, Wallace Alexan– Westbrook, Jim Hayes; and Glenn Olbricht; Cheek, Ralph Hartman; Betty Tom Brown; Helen Rice, · Mary Etta Grady, Jerry Bonnie Cates, Neal Reeves; Isom, Jimmy Smith; Flora W!e!'folr d . B(trJ Hogins; Joan and Baynes; Lolita Will.ialns, Mau– Baldwin; Mary Ellen Fletcher, Darrah; Camille Anderson, Jack Dr. and Mrs. Cliff Ganus Dr. and Mrs. James Burrow. College Honors Brown, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Brown is a chemistry major. He is serving as the vice-president of the senior class and is a member of the Koinonia social club. Mrs. Cross is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Ralph Schoolfield. A journalism major, she is editor of the Bison, member of the Harding A Capella Chorus, Campus Players, A Tempo and the Omega Phi social club. An · English major, Miss Davis is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Davis. She is a member of the Alpha Honor Society and the Kappa Kappa Kappa social club. Miss Grady is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John C. Grady. Majoring in physical education, she serves as the senior class secretary, a member of the Kappa Kappa Kappa social club, pointkeeper for Campus Players and student assistant in intra– murals. Hacker is the son of Mr. and Mrs. W. Joe Hacker. He will receive his B. A. in Biblical languages and Bible. MattoJ>, son of Dr. and Mrs. F. W. Mat– tox, is a pre-med student majoring in general science. He is a member of the Koinonia social club. A chemistry and math major, Miss Nance serves a5 secretary for the Student Council Association, vice-president of the science club and treasurer of the Omega Phi social club. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Grover C. Nance. Noland, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. No– land, is majoring in political science. He is vice-president of the Student Council Association, first vice-president of the state F.T.A., a member of the Harding A Capella Chorus and the Delta Iota social club. Parish Received Ganus Award A business administration major, Pa~ish. is the senior class president, president of the Alpha Phi Kappa social club, member of the Harding Chorale, men's glee club T ri-Kappas Enjoy Day At T ahkodah Water fights, bruised shins a nd a delicious picnic dinner high– lighted the Trl•Kappa social club outing held Monday at Camp Tahkodah. Those who felt exceptionally athletic played a '~hot" basket– game after the usual moun– tain climbing and boating excur– sions. All went well except for a near-calamity when Charlie Thacker, intending to splash Flora Rutherford and Burl Ho· gins overthrew his rock and pro~ptly unseated the two into the stream. The food committee proved well chosen as the dinner cen· tered around ham, potato salad, cherry pie and cokes. The Tri-Kappa members and their dates were JoAnn Seay, Stan Shewmaker; Grace and Bob Coburn ; Helen Rice, Don Porter· field; Betty Helm, Owen Ol· bricht; 'Betty Weldon, Tom Brown · Janis L yles, Harold Van– derpooi ; Ann e t t e Hendricks, Charlie Thacker; Bonnie Cates, Neal Reeves; FloJ a Rutherford, .Burl Hogins; Reva Beene, Doyle Border; Quell Isom, J ack Meredith; Carol Stubblefield, Carl Russell; Nor· rna Carpenter, Loll~ Williams; LaVern Moore, Mary Fletdher; Previtt Lois Coburn; Alta J'o~ie Figgins; . Mary \Ken Perrin; J oan 'Ul:o<>C+IOV\1"1,~ ~dDr. and ,Mrs. CUf· Ganus. Tri-Kappas Go Mexican At Club Social Meeting The Tri-Kappas went Mexican style at their last club function on Sunday evening at the home of sponsor Mrs. C. L. Ganus when hostesses Janis Lyles, Joan West– brook and Yvonne Davis served members of t he club their own ver– sion of Mexican enchiladas. Large servings of strawberries and and vanilla ice cream completed the sup– per and partly served the purpose of "cooling tongues." Vice-president Yvonne Davis was in charge of the business meeting. Tentative dates of May 2 or May 9 were set for the spring outing, and a committee to suggest a project was appointed. and received the Ganus award for highest scholarship. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred W. Parish. Perrin is a math major, skipper of the Sub T-16 social club and is sports editor of the Petit Jean. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Perrin. Son of Mr. and Mrs. Dale Magee, Magee is a Bible major. He is serving as the Stu– dent Council Association president and is a member of the Delta Iota social club. Miss Richards, daughter of Mrs. Saman– tha Richards, is majoring in business ad– ministration. She was runner-up for the 1954 May Queen and is a member of the Ju Go Ju social club. Miss Sutherlin, who received the Who's Who honor as a junior last year, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Sutherlin. An English major, she is president of the Alpha Honor Society, editor of the Petit Jean, a member of Campus Players an:d the Ju Go Ju social club. Fondren, Smith Say Nupitals .Bef?re a latticed frame entwined wt~h Jvy and flanked by candelabra anhr bouquets of yellow and bronze c ?'santhemums, MiSs Jessie- Lou Sl:nith was married to Mr. ·clifto!l !ondren Dec. 18 at her parents home m Eudora. The bride is. the daughter of :Mr; and Mrs. E. F. Smith. The gl'Qom s parents are Mrs. J. H. Fon– dre~ Sr.. and the late Mr. Fondren. Glv~ lll marriage by her father, ~e br1de. wore a 1:\&vy suit with . wmter white accesories. Her bridal bouquet was an orchid flanked "th stephanotis placed on a w.hit6 B~bl A ..:-'-- f th v 1 e. . '"""'"""" o e bride, Miss Marilyn Slll;'-th, served as maid of hono while·Mr. ~· H. Fondren, Jr. was bed man for his brother. IFebruary 11, 1955 ·- Tri Kappas Bunk Together Sunday Tri-Kappas broke all records for Sunday night bunking parties when they awoke from a night of bunking Monday morning, Feb. 7, and rushed back to campus in time for break– fast. Hostess for this event was Mrs, Sam Haynes. Arriving on the scene Sunday evening at 10 o'clock, the girls head– ed for the kitchen, and not many minutes....,.hence came forth with pink popcorn balls and punch to match. Group singing around the piano furnished entertainment. Nineteen sleepy-eyed girls were called to .attent ion at the busines~ meeting which followed at the mid· night hour for the purpose of elect. ing new officers for the ser.nester. · May court representative to represent the club is Rutherford, With a minimum of business, the meeting was adjourned and the Tri-Kappas slumbered peacefully.