Soph Girls Win Softball Tourney The sophomores are the 1953 girls class tournament champions. They copped the bunting two weeks ago with an unladylike battering of the seniors. The score was 14-l. Gracie Fry applied the crush<;r in the form of two circuit blows that accounted for seven runs. June Adams was the only senior abTe to penetrate the tough second– year defense. The champs reached the final bracket by outlasting the juniors, 17-14, in a wild and wooly session. And once again Fry crashed through with a home run. The seniors got to the round by virtue of a 17-3 win over the green and undermanned frosh. Gracie McReynolds, Pat Fogarty, Charlene Holcomb and Marty Willis all clubbed round-trippers. And for the freshmen Barbara Neal and Dot Callahan got a two– baser each. ladies Pick 12 for All-Star T earn Call it feminine intuition if you will, but the girls got together this week and came up with what ap– pears to be from every angle, the cream of the crop. A squad of 12 talented young ladies compose the squad of Harding's Women Intra– mural All-Stars. Mary Etta Grady, otherwise known as "Red," will handle the elusive slants of Gracie McRey– nolds, all-star pitcher. Myrna French gets the first base with a season of exper– ienced play behind her. At s~cond Gracie Fry gets the decision down. Alta Cheek garnered the short– - p osit iOn' with a minimum of competition, capturing the sp?t handily. Betty Floyd at third base rounds out the infield, with the ex– ception of Marty Austin as utility Tri Kappas Gather For Evening of Fun In Cathcart Kitchen infielder. Clara Nell Waters in left field, Norma Crosby in center, and Gin– ger Benson and Nadine Pate in right field compose the quartet feminine flychasers to leg the outer regions. Miss Benson and Miss Pate tied for the position. Wilma Campbell gets the vote for utility outfielder. An evening of fun was spent in the Cathcart kitchen Sunday night by members of the Tri Kappa club. Miss Privett To Wed Mr. Glenn Olbrich+ ' With master cornpoppers June Adams and Grace McReynolds on the job, the girls soon devoured "tons" of popcorn. But this was only the beginning. Under the di– rection of capable JoAnn Seay and Virginia Rhodes, delicious squares of rice crispy candy were soon ready to undergo the same treatShirley Birdsall, June Adams, Patsy Previtt, Virginia Rhodes and Camille Anderson provided enter– tainment just by learning to play, "Do as I do," while Yvonne Davis, Lois Coburn, and Betty Helm showed the girls "How to Kiss the Piepan." Tri-Kappa members present for the gala affair were Marjorie t1ore– land, June Adams, Yvonne Davis, Lois Coburn, Betty Helm, Alta Cheek and Nelda Hitt. Pat~y Previtt, JoAnn Seay, Ca– mille Anderson, Shirley Birdsall, Ortell Armstrong, Grace McReynolds Ina Swan, Kathryn Privett, Virginia Rhodes and Betty Williams comple– ted the party members. Mrs. Oneta Privett, Damascus, an– nounces the engagement of her daughter, Kathryn, to Glenn 01bricht, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ben J. Olbricht, Searcy. Miss Privett, a junior at Hard– ing, is majoring in elementary edu– cation. She is reporter for the Tri– Kappa social club and is secretary of the FTA. ' Mr. Olbricht, Hr.rding '53, is now doing graduate work at Harding. He is a member of Alpha Phi Kappa social club and the Harding band. The wedding '~ill be in August. All-Star Players Chosen by Girls All~taJ·s were chosen Wednesday by all the girls who played basket– ball throughout the year. Sixteen pfuyers were submitted by each girl, and. the winners were an– noutlced by Mary Etta "~ed" j;rady, The girls who made the all-star team. were forwards: Myrna F.rench Gracie Fry, Betty Ann Floyd, Jea~ :Ray Gower, Delores McBride, Gracie McReiYnnldll, and ''Relf' Gr!Uly. The guards were Etta Starllng, Peggy Futrell, Margaret Austin, -Alene Shemaker, Benny Anny Ponder. ~~§o.k, Barbara Jbhnson and Martha Clayton. · The girls have been divided into two teams and the all-star game will be played at night. Admission will be charged for this game and aU Harding students are invit~d to com.e out and see some real good basketball playing by lo qualified girls. Nine Are Accepted IntoHonor Society Fom senio1·s and five juniors be initiated into the Alpha next week at a formal Norman Hughes stated this Membership in the honor is based on scholarship. A 3.5 average is required for seniors a 3.7 average for juniors. Danny Brown, Cecil May, Ann Whitaker and Janet breder make up the senior list. The juniors are Bob Brown, Glen– da Givens, Yvonne Davis, Stevens and Jane Sutherlin. Bob Brown is an English from Atlanta, Texas, and plans preach. Jane Sutherlin, Searcy, English major, a member of the Go Ju club, editor of the '55 Jean and is among the students Who's Who. Yvonne Davis, an English from El Dorado is a member of KKK social club, and plans to tea Carol Stevens. a business rna from Judsonia, is a member of W.H.C. social club Glenda Givens from Texas, is a math and major. Danny Hrown, a Bible major from Orange, Texas, plans to preach. Cecil ~ay, Biblical language ma– jor !rom Memphis, Tenn., is a mem– ber of Sigma Tau Sigma, and Alpha Psi Omega. Mary: Ann Whitaker, an English– Journalism major from Memphis, is a Regina and Who's Who. Janet Heidbreder, an English ma– jor from Piggot, plans to teach.