Reid Bush Is High With 18 Points ,.. MAY 6 - Reid Bush racked up a to tal of 18 points in 'the Pole vault: 'Blankenship (9' track and field event:; today as second, Olbricht and Mack he led the Independents to an Indcpcndcn t <tie ) ; ' easy victory over the remaining Lehman Ha 11, Mohicans. contenders. The Independents Girl's 220 yard walk: Williams went for a total of 471,~ points '05 ) ; second, Be l ly Helm. Triwhilc the next contending Koino: third, Schoolfie.lcl, Orne· ": nia. club could only produce 27.1 Phi; and fourth, Oleta Garpo 'n :s. Bn.~ h ;;J:;o s r:t « new rec- Tri Kappa. or:·or J <1~; /l (• 1vcni ov:: c tlie G' 1.:." Rela.y: Indepcncleut (1 l'"'l ;, in the itiR'1 ju rnp event 'lo ), Bush, Walt. Nelms, Har· D;;tter the old record of 5' 8" and Hanes; second, Sub·T pra·1tousJy held by Hu!fh R hodes. third, Lambda Sigma; and . Bush, in xaeking 'up his 18 Mohicans. poin ts, finished .first in the high 220 Hda.y: Tri Kappa j~p, breaa jump, and helped lta Cheek, Grady. Herrin bnng his team in ilrst 1n the 880 race McReynolds; second yard relay. He finished second '""'--·-- Phi. i~ the 100 yard dash, shot put and Broad ,Jump: Bush (El' 8"); , h1s team came in second in the second, Hall; third, Davidson; ; mi le relay. and fourth, Olbrich!. and Hall, . Don Brown came in 5e,:ond for Sub-T tie ). Iscoring honors with 151,~ points 1.00 ;rani low hurdles: Hall ~or the Koinonias. Brown fin- ('J 3 ); second, Davidson; ished first in 'the 100 yard dash Olbl'ich ; and f ourth, Harness. a t '10.8 to better his last year Girl's Broad Jump: . Burton mark of '12. He also finished (13' 9'1 ) ; second, Birdsall, Tri firs t ln the shot put with 43' 9" Kappa; thlrcl, McGinnis; +~o ~ "-"a ..~ ---' -'-· -- • ,_ •n~ ~ ' fourth, Williams. • Koinonia; second Richesin, Mohicans; third, Olan Hanes, High ,Jump: Bush lli' ' ~"); secIndependent; fourth, Verlin ond, Olbrich t · third. SummHt, Tri Sigma 'Delta; fourth Glen Vaughn Galaxy. Burgess, Lambda S igma; Richard 100 ~·a.rd dil·S11: Brow!l ('10.8), Salmon , Koinonia; Davidson, second, Bush. Inde- Ritchie and Hall llicL third, C. L. Cox, Sub-T Girl's Base Hun: Mary I3urns ' and fourth, Andy R- · ' ('la.3 ) , Omega Phi; secoJHI. Bur. a ter Sodalis. ton; !tbJrcl, Adams, Tri 1\appa.; and four! h, Williams. l\lilc Run: Hi cllcsin second, ·Bobby Camp, dent; third, l<.usano, Sigma; (tie) fourth, Jimmy Al· len, Indcpenrlcnt. Girl's SoHba.n Throw: Norma Crosby C157' l, Las Companeras; second, Margan;!. Austin, Ju Go Ju; third , Bet ty Jo Harmon, He· gina; fomtll, Darbara WJ-TC. I Discus : .Leona rd Hall second, Lehman Hall; third, 01· bricht; fourth, mankenship. 440 yard n~lay: Independents ('54), Harness, N elm><. Camp, and Hanes; second, Snh-T Hi; third, Frater Sod<1las; Iourlh, Mohicans. Girl's 440 yarll relay: Tri Kap– pa (1 '10.B1; second, Omcgil Phi; thin!, Wl-TC. l\lile l\.rJn.:y: Lunhda Sigma (4 '23), Norman Hughes, Kusano, Devereaux Jarrett. ancl Max Billlard; s econd , Independents; third, Koinonia; iourih, Suh·T. Alpha Psi Omega Presents Awards Alpha P~i Omega, h'onorary dramatic: fraternity at Harding College, anrl t.he Campus Players recently <tnnounccd th e dr<lmatic aw<1J'd.s of l.lw YCcJ.r. Alpha P s i awaJ.Tls WCLII to ,J<Jck l'Jummcr, Livcrpo<!l, N . Y. , best actor; Eileen S nurc. Hamilton, Ont., Ca n.. bes t a ctress ; Mere· clith Thorn . .H.o cl, port, Ill., best character actor; Ruby Lee Ellis, Augusta, best character actress; and Charles Pit'tman. Memphis, best. backstage worJ.;er. These awards arc based on specific roles of meritious quality and specific servic~o~ or productions equally notable. The Campus Players. student dramatic organiz<Jtio~1. made the following awa rds on the basi;-; of gr:neral cxccllcn cc in dramatic war!.::: Best CJd or. Ray \>\'right of Memphis ; best actress. Pat Rowe of Birmingham , Ala.; best backstage worker, lV!3ry Etta G1·ady of Beedeville; and to the director of th r. hcst one-act play. Benny Holla mL of Harlingen, Tex. Meda Is W L'l'!' prf'scntecl Tlwsc awards arc I ~ Grace tylcReynolds To Wed Robert Coburn Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert McRey– nolds of DeRidder, La., announce the engagement of their daugh– ter, Grace, to Robert Lcro:r Co· burn, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Coburn of Graton, Calif. Miss McReynolds, a junior, is president of the Kappa Kappa Kappa social club, May Queen Nominee ami is maJoring in his· tol'V. ir{ Coburn, <dso n junior. is secretary-tTcasul'('r o.t t?w Alp}la Phi Kappa social club an active member of Future Teachers' of America and a swd;:m1 preschcr. He is majo1·ing in Bible. Plans for thr wedding arc, as