Tri Kappa 1947-1955

Tri-Kappa Club Presents Fashions In Spring Style Show Thursday The Tri-Kappa soc:ial club presented a Sl¥le show in chapel Thursday showing the latest creations for sprjng !rom Searcy dress shops and clothing store . The stage was decorated to rep. resent a t·errace, and it was ar– ranged with garden furniture, s hrubb<:>ty, plants and even a fish pond. Mrs. W. B. West and Mrs. C. L. Ganus acted as hostesses for -the "garden party," and Elleen Hoover served punch to the mem– bet·s of the party. Pat Rowe was narra t•Jr during the presentation of the spri ng appal'Pl by the models. Mo'dcls in the fashion show were: Bt''tty Berry, Betty Turbyfill. Louise White, Jane Russell, Joann Seay, Pat Copeland, Peggy Strother and Betty Helm. Nancy McDaniel, Martha Clay. ton, Johnice Young, Marilyn Price, Robbie Jean Ruby, Bon– nie McAdams, Corrine Russell, Polly Mangrum, Jean Robinson, Carolyn graves and Martha Burns complete · the list. •· Esc.Jrts of the models were: ~ Charles Pittman, Wayne Davis, Richard Salmon, Bill Summitt Dicky BLtrt and Don See. ' Betty Helm Initiated Into Tri-Kappa Club · The Tri-Kappa club had initiation Saturday night for Betty Helm at the home of their sponsor, Mrs. Cliff Ganus. Detty was presented with a yel· low chrysanthemum by Ortel Arrnstr·ong, and af!('r taking hrr t:lub vows, she was presenlt'd with the emblem. pmposr, hy Florence While. Re!reshmcnts. o.f cak<:> decorat– ed with the Tri-Kappa emblem a nd cherry punch were served. After the initiation plans for lh chlb 0\1-tlng ,\•e1·c dlsc'u ,:; d. Those pre nt were: G1•acle MoRt>ynolds, Cam111e Anderson, Florence White, Orlel Armstrong, Mary Ruth Herren, June Adams, Shirley Birdsall, Sue Chapman, :Virginia Rhodes, Lois Coburn, Betty Helm and Kathryn Privett. ~~ .:,<./ )i~ ~~~ (!.,_{_.~ ~