"Kingdom Under The Sea" Is Theme Of Tri Kappa BanquetAt Rendezvous T rl Kappa's "Kingdom Under the Sea banquet was held lasl night in the Rendf~zvous E'lue Room a 7 p.m.. Higl1lighting the af· .fair was the crowning ol' the king and queen of the sea ldngdom. Marine decorations such as ilsh, seaweed, shells and coral wei·e. arranged over the I'00!1l and rabies. A ttec.sure chest iilled with "jewels oi lhe deep" was pl<tcc·d on lhe thron e whicl1 was in whi·te. The mol if of the banquet was carried out by the acquarian dec– orations adorning the tables which were arranged in an "U'' shape. The programs were star– fish, and shell nut cups and pl<H~e cards marked each guest's plac''· The invocation was given by Clifton L. Ganus, Jr. Gracie :VIc– Reynolds, president of Tri Ka]Jp welcomed members and gues~!'.; and the response was presented by Bob Coburn. Charles Pitnc~r was speaker. A marine menu consisted of U·uit or the snell, tossed seavverd. und~rsea nor-als, octopus arm<;, sea biscuits and whale blubbP.r, Neptune's nectar and ocean ioam. Background music was p layrt\ during the dinner. Sailor Lyons directed "Fisl1ey Chorus" which present· ed two numbers, "Hole in the Bottom of the Seal' and '•Down Under." Joan Bridges played a plano solo, "Pastorale." A vocal solo, "Deep River.'' was sung by Mary Ruth Herrin. A "surprise" number, 1'We Are the Fishel' Girls," was done by the cntlrr: T ri Kappa club. The king and queen were chosen by a traditional drawing J\eld after the dinner. Cliff Ganus crowned Mike Moore a n d Alta Cheek, K i,n g Neptune an4 Queen Mermaid of the "King· dt>Wtt Under the Sea." They then teigned over the remaining part ot•the banquet. T ri Kappa members and their dates present were Gracie Mc– nolds, Bob Coburn; R uth Walker, J ohnny T hornton; Mary Ett:l Grady, Don Brown; June Adams, F anell T ill; Alta Clwek, MiJ;:e Moore; Joan Br)dges, Tommy :r-,1erritt; Oleta Garner, Gene Rainey; Eileen Hoo ver, Ch oate; Camille Anderson, Eu· gene Mon·is ; Ortell Armstrong, Hollis Maynard; Virginia Rhodes, Billy Forrest Howell; Sue Chap– :man, Richard Salmon; Lois Co· b urn, Roy Hisley; Florence W h ite, Bob An(]erson; Mary Rulli H errin, Andy R itchie; 'Cvonne vis, I<en nf'th F ox; Kathryn vert, Glen Olbricht and Hobby with Leonard Hall Guests Cliff and Louise G;nus and and Mary Pitner.