Tri Kappa 1947-1955

The Terrace Room speakingYouth ag-nin-and Sea1·cy. J.Vo ii· can't he. Theru are the old >;t!·ect lamps of New Ol·l::u'us. How \\•ell I rememfr·r their names. SHmL.EY all th~· elher Well !mown s!n.;:,i;;;. Yeg,New OriPaw;, •HrhC" ort~ercd i.nter... -n!ltt;;~ir.g of i h~! l·e~~~ cu 'd f he dr~~·tHn, 1'he rni~l nbnt't' th0 river, und ~hf: tHir-t r:.ho,:c nH.:. S~1'~'-1H~.'' H e,~u·t be. One tiling I do !mow: tile liAI'PA RAPPl:~. ·E/'I.l'PA Club as!;cd me j·0 il~!'h'' i!wh· hn!lqllet. (Coclld nwy h:to·e mea:1!.. i:\ Xcw OrbNns'?) I'll just 1haHI~ ~bern nn<l t·.hr-ir ~-:oon.sor-1\lr~;.. Gltn~~s. Am1 UlC'r<•'s Prof. G,,m~c;, r·;nw, ~ !;;now if" is– NC'·~-;/ Orl~aas! Pcrha~:s I lind It nten.·. ;')~1 c,Jnfnse(!; !'H just say t1o(}(~ hye _;. ~e\Y c._);:le::ns--nnd thanI:~. The ~. .. ~ 0 l·t_;~ "'ll \. I' ~. """ ; '-'l fi~F~near~ t l il ~.. ·' ~ \:.. I ... 1'\'Irs. H. H. Branch MgT.