Tri Kappa 1947-1955

Girls' All Club Mixer Tea Held Sunday In Ganus Student Center Sunc;lay afternoon, October 21, was the date of the all-club mixer tea held in the Emerald Room of Ganus. Student Center. One girl from each club was chosen to act as a hostess. Down– stairs, each club had a table "on which 'to display its theme, pro– ject, or emblem. Decorations clownstairs consisted of 'baskets of fa.Jl leaves. The club mem-bers were in formal attire, while the freshmen girls and new stttrlents wore afternoon dresses. Re'freshments of punch, petit fours, mints, and nuts were serv· cd in the Emerald Room, which was decorated with a fa,Jl theme. I n the center of the t a:ble was a bouquet of fall g<U·den flowers. Mrs. Cliff Ganus s·ponsors Tri Kappas Mrs. CliH Ganus has resumed her position as sponsor of the Tri– Kappa social club after an ab– sence of two years. The first two club meetings of the year \\·ere held at her home. This term's club of.fiecrs arc Shirley Birclsall, president; Merle Garrett, vicc-prcsidcnt; Grace Mc– Reynolds, sccretary, and He'ta Buchanan, r-eporter. ri Kappa Social Club Holds Formal Initiation Formal in itiation exercises of the Kappa Kappa Kappa social club were held at the home of Mrs. Clifton Ganus, sponsor of the dub, on Saturday evenlpg, November 3 at eight o'clock. _New mer11bers were greeted at the door by club members and sponsor, and presented \Vith cor– s ages of yellow chrysanthymums with gray ribbon, in keeping with the clu~ colors. . The new memb~rs pledged the ir cl ub vows in a candlelight cere– mony were Camille Anderson, Alta Cheek, Yvonne Davis, Oleta Garner, Ma ry Etta Grady, Elleen Hoover, Norma -Jean- Jarra rd, Joanna Johnston and Carolyn Kilpatrick. Refreshmen-ts of spiced te.a, the traditional cake, mints and nuts were ser yed.