Tri Kappa 1947-1955

T ri Kappa Club Goes To Mount Petit Jean l\·Jo nchtYmOdling tlw Tl'i Kapp a Soe:ic\l C lu.b and their dates travel– ed ·l"o P e tit Jc rtn t:or their annual s pdn g ou'ling. The day was pcn.t pi:Jy ing bal l, 11oal riding, llikinr~ to the .falls, anc\ isiting Petit Jean's gr ave. Club me bers and their da les were C\•ace lVlcfteyn Glds, Murray \i\' aJ'f('l1; Shirley Bi rdsa ll, B illy Moll J ones ; Gwen Ga rrett, Sam· my Floy d; Ethelyn 11/lcNutt, Far· rell Wa re ; sue Chnj1!11Hn, Rc,berl - nc\sco; Sm•a Copclfttl(t, James ll!rt•ull•"'' ; l:'lorcncc \'i'dtc, Bob Anderson; ·Manan Dush, Amos Davcnpol't: Ka'thlcen Wrinkle, Al f'olccLc. Jc•ssic Lou Smith, Paul Osho1n. Sponsor;; we re Bill S ldllman 1\'lr. and Mt·s . Fra nh: Ellis.