SPRIOGSIOG Shantih and Tri Sigma Delta present their .fifth· ranking sltow. "Cowgirl Rhapsody." Forum, Spring Sing Draw 3,000 Guests Crowds, excitement and busy schedules v.-ere all part of Spring Sing · Youth Forum weekend April 17-18. More than 3,000 visitors were on the Harding campus for the event. including many teen-agers who wanted their first taste of college life. Registered guests came from 25 different states, according to Ken Qualls, Youth Forum coordinator. Eddie Cloer. a Harding Bible teilcher, was the speaker for the 17th annual Youth Forum. In keeping with the theme "P;lths to Perfection," he presented lessons on "Purity." "Patience" and "Perseverance," A full roster oF special programs teatured concerts by Harding band aJ;d choral groups. in addition to performances by the Belles and Beaux and the Time of D::ry. Highligi)Jing the week nd f, r the colleg udent was Spring ing '81. which was pre cnted betbre a record total of more then 10.000 s pectators. Three-time runners-up Chi igma Alpha and Regina made a near sweep · s they on lhe trophy for their rendition .of "Cancel My Reservation." Their h ' captured first place in rhe categoric of music and ch re graph •. and their Indian attire took the costume award. Galaxy and Ju Go Ju earned the "best theme" title with their portray~d of skeletons in "It's a Grave Situation." The p<uiicipati<)l1 <<ward. not counted in the sweepstakes tally, went to Ka Re Ta. whcse tirsl-time Spring Sing entry, "Has it Dawned on You?" involved 76 percent of the club members. First runnrrs-up in the sweepst<lkes competition were C1alaxy and Ju Go Ju, and second runners-up were Kappa Sigma Kappa and Tri Kappa in "It's a Mexed Up Worlct." followed by Ka Re Ta. then Shantih and Tri Sigma Deita with "Cowgirl Hhapsndy." Other shows were huili 3round themes of hobos, the Navy. 1ad in. city 3nd country dwellers and dreams. Special touches were added throughout the production by hosts Chris Dell and Ricky Qualls and hostesses Leslie Pigg and Marcia Shepherd. Ko Jo Kai social club members joined the four,ome in a patriotic grand finale. The show was directcct by Jack Ryan. professor of spt'vc·h. with Jeff Hopper of the music department coordinating the music.