Regina 1999

Regina Retreat 1999 "~et'g Qet tJogetherr" "...with each other hand in hand, we'll walk to that eternal land..." Thanks so much for coming to Regina's first annual retreat! Our main goal of the weekend is to become unified in Christ as well as a group. "u\Jly puttpoge ig that they may be encouttaged in heattt and united in Qove, go that they may be ttich in theilt uVtdettgtaVtding" CoQ. 2:2 Tentati\7e Schedule Friday: 5:30 Arri\?e, set up, and eat 6:00 Introduction 6:00 Unity game 6:30 De\?otional by 0. Catherine Owen 6 :45 Session J: "Getting to Know Vou" by Q. Darla Dilks 7:00 Huddle Group 1 7:15 Break 7:30 Session 2: "Vou Go First" by Q. Kristin Casleton 7:45 Huddle Group 2 8 :00 Break 8:15 S'mores Break 9:00 Session 3: "After Happy Birthday" by Q. Ginger Gerber 9:15 Huddle Group 3 9:30 Break 10:00 De\?otional by 0. Jen Sha\?er 10:30 "Get to know you" time lJ:OO Ser\?ice Project Saturday: 8:30 Pajama Breakfast 9:00 De'Votional by Q. Heather Wooten 9:15 Clean up 9:30 Session 4: "Lean On Me" by Q. Danielle Rubin 9:45 Huddle Group 4 10:00 Quiet Time 10:15 Closing Acti\?ities J0:30 Clean up and lea\?e UNITED!