Regina 1985-86

THE INSIDE SJORY Regina Minutes--October 28, 1985 --Devo was done by Mary Pyne. in our lives. She shared thoughts on keeping the light of ~esus --Pictures are TENTATIVELY Thursday at 5:00 pm at Bessie Mae's. info. Watch for more --Homecor or dre~ --Please --Homecor --Saturd< at all There 1 --Monday , Studio --Hayride must be checks will be --Christr --Thanks£ the ell be more --Mass De --Please --Please --Money 1 --Spring --Remembe She an[ if at help, Regina Meeting--October 14, 1985 --Thanks to Michelle for an "uplifting" devotional. Let's remember to keep the helium in our balloons and the happiness in our lives. --"I Love Regina" buttons are 50ft each; sign up if you want one. --We are signed up to work the concession stand with Chi Sigs at Homecoming. Please try to be available for this. We all want to watch the Bisons win another one! --Petit ~ean pictures are Sunday at 2:00 pm. There is a chance that the date will change Please wear nice church dresses. so keep reading the box. --Due date for payment of dues by new members is Nov.10; if you have a problem with this, see ~ayne. This is VERY important. --Be thinking of ideas for a banner for homecoming. Penny is in charge of this. We are also thinking of making a new sign for the baseball field--watch for more info. --HAYRIDE! Nov. 15 (Friday) The cost is $7.00 a couple, hot dogs, chili, baked beans, etc. will be served for dinner. Entertainment (guitarists, etc.) is a possibility. Times will be announced. Your name must be on the date list by Nov. 11. All money should go to Lisa Blake. --Watch the box for more info on when to pick up your sweatshirts. --~erseys: Sign the list in the box if you want one. Money must be paid up front. --Volleyball starts Monday, Oct. 21. signed up, Please show up. Watch the box for practice times. --Spring Sing Meeting: Wednesday at 8:30 pm--theme will be discussed. --Go visit the Schoenburgers!! --Senior May Fete Representative is ~ennifer Falkner. --Constitution was read and cake was eaten--Happy Birthday, Beau ~eff! If you --Absences: These are currently unexcused. Please see me if you have an excuse. Tammy Asbill, Regina Collins, Leslie Huffman, Christine Kernodle, Lisa Lemmon, ~uanene Mc~ ally, and Shelley Privett. --Ya1 ll PLEASE remember that the meetings start promptly at 9:00. We try to keep it as brief as possible but we need your cooperation. If you are going to be absent for any reason, notify me IN ADVANCE! This is a club policy and everything will run smoother if we adhere to it. Welcome to the New Members!! Have a super week everyone! Love you, • •