Regina 1983-85

• j} C _[Cox d jl{'Ls. . . f 'L p~tesence the honou'L or you 'Lequest f h . dauqhte'l. . e or t et'L t the ma't'Ltag a J co . n !B~ten a JfUZ'Ltan to /D . Lee Casey ~'!.tan ld CW. Casey d j\{'Z.s. Qe'La f j}t'Z.. an 1 sonor h Jfi)ecemoe'L d the eighteen.t o 9:ues ay, f on d d . hty-rou'l. h 'Le etg · teen un nme . ' l k . the evenmg . c oc m at StX 0 h f Ch~tist C ll Chu'Z.C or o ege Jl~tkansas Sea~tcy, . f0 [l 0 wing 5Receptwn r FACESOFROM