Oege 2003

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tve-r~cne., ~Q{he~ ~-\«-the d-e,vo -b:W\.c:Ll no..v~ --{hem. \he.\\ (\)[e_ Cct,l WllX\e.. Mv kc~ ~CA. kcL h_,.,__,

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Welcome!! would you like a flower? Hi welcome to open house :) The ladies prepare the table for their guests. So many ostriches andso little time... ---

.., Oege - .~.open house - ~~2002-2003 Gretchen welcomes apotential membe~ Obedience Earnestness Godliness Efficiency , hristina and Bern smile for the camera : )

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I INDUCTION I 2002 May I have this dance? "A NIGHT AT THE OSCARS" Lee and Shannon Aren't we cute .

Katrina and Ryan Will the madn ever end? INDUCTION 2002 Jake and Gabe A night at the oscars If looks could kill!!!

nduction 2002 Gabe Daniel, Lee, Gabe, Daniel Ryan, Jake, Nate and Wes. '· Macadamia_ Ga-zee-bor When does the bus get here?

When does the bus get here?? .:• ~7,~ what ever you do don't laugh.. lj

Comeon down your the next contestant on 'As the world turns' Arent they cute ,Karen and Beau Gabe OEGE goes global I • I I p r 0 t e c t y a tl. I Wes

Look I won an Oscar!! Induction 2002 Becca andAnn~ recent oscar winners

Feel the power of the good side.... the battle begins... The dark side can give youeverythingyouhave ever wanted.....

Ind Mnd fcJr dWd)' anda tiiM long ago___ forces facede•chother in a battle all would remember. ~,I ces of good and evil met this day, Welcome to Induction night 2002... Darth Lee

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OEGE Ring ceremony Number....umm honestly I don't remember they all happened so fast. HO COULD ITBE???

II It depends on how tonight goes... II Jake help Lyz escape from the excited crowd!

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"Josh and I were maried and everything went well. It was calm and joyous and everything went splendedly. I wasn~ nervous at all_ The ceremony was a little long but it was so great. The reception was a little hurried but fun. My bouquet toss went over the heads of all the girls and landed on the floor.. . His garder fell just short of all the guys .... People threw rose petals as we ran to the limo. I was the first in and I tripped over my sxirt and fell on the floor. (face up fortunately} We had a lot of fun. We spent the night at a hotel and flew to St. Lauderdale the next morning. We spent 7days... on a cruise in the carribean. We went on a eco-hixe, swam on honeymoon beach, and went xyacxing and got sunburned. Th !::.lands we visited are St. Martin, .. St. Thomas, and the Princess Cays where we swam, ate barbeque and played chess with a gaint chess set. (the figures were weighted with sand and about xnee-thigh height) (I wonl.l) :-)" Kim Patterson I Kimberly Case and Josh Patterson June 2002 OEGE and SIGMA TAU SIGMA


"With this ring...well not this ring... but a ring...I thee wed.'' All actually began the night before with the best man and the groomsmen. They had decided to ''lose'' the ring that Nate would give to Tina, but at the last minute they changed their minds thinking it wouldbe inappropriate to lose the ring at the ceremony. By the time Nate and Tina got to this point in the wedding ceremony nobody could fmd the ring. The groomsmen had not been informed before the ceremony that plans had been changed and that the ring joke had been cancelled so they played along thinking the game was still on. After the best man searched frantically for the ring it became apparent that the ring actually was lost and that the men were not playing a joke. Daniel Ryan ( one of the groomsmen) then removed his wedding ring and gave it to Nate to give (temporarily) to Tina so they could finish the ceremony. Nate then said the famous words which is now the theme of their LVedding section. ~C--

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0 E G E s k a t e p a r a d e Cluis helps Bernwith her skates Look at Wes go..i hope that's choreography.. Lisa, Melody and Stephanie model the t-shirts

0 c t 0 b e r 1 9 2 0 0 2 Lee prepare's to give the devo.. - Be careful/ Ozzy don •t slip on the ice !!

DANIEL RYAN NAME: Daniel Ryan HOMETOWN: Memphis, Tenn J B-DAY: June 11, 1980 FAVORITE COLOR: Blue FAVORITE FOOD: Seafood and Italian. and if you mix the two 11m in heaven. FAVORITE THING ABOUT OEGE: The fact that the girls/ladies in oege know who they are and there is no hiding it. And they love you for who you are, and not what you can do for them. YEAR YOU BECAME A BEAU: Spring 2001 DID YOU KNOW? In 1947 the YWCA was founded. Pepsils slogan was: Jl it_'s a great American custom. II --. ..:.,. -

RYAN COOK NAME: Beau Cookie Ryan Cook HOMETOWN: Des Moines, Iowa B-DAY: May 30 1980· FAVORITE COLOR: Well, if not the Oege colors, then probably blue. FAVORITE FOOD: Chocolate Chip" Cookies!!" FAVORITE THING ABOUT OEGE: A great group of friends that I know I can depend on (and Katrina, of course) YEAR YOU BECAME A BEAU: Spring 2000, Following an aggressive 2-year campaign by Susan.

NAME: Private Jason Robert Roper HOMETOWN: Sunfeild, Michigan B-OAY: June 25th FAVORITE COLOR: Army Green !! This photo is from the GE luau} held during · week 2001. =AVORITE FOOD: Ribs =AVORITE THING ABOUT OEGE: ~he wonderful/, Godly women of coarse. =AVORITE MEMORY: :vel}' moment with OEGEwas a good memow ~on after the above picture was taken Jason} joined the United States ilitary andwas stationed at Forl Gordon} Ga. ~says that serving his country is a great honor, and that he misses everyone In GEdearly. DID YOU KNOW? In 1947 the MLB All Star Game was held at Wrigley Feild in Chicago. The American league won the game 2 to 1 over the National league} and tickets for the game cost$ 4.00.

JAKE DIETZ NAME: Kenneth Jacob Dietz HOMETOWN: I grew up in Troy Ohio, but consider myselfa Daytonian~ (Dayton) B-DAy~~ I was born before all of Oege on March 4th 1978~ (I think I am the oldest member-status Oegan, Jason James isolder, bu~not a student.) FAVORITE COLOR: Steel Blue~ FAVORITE FOOD~~ Swordfish FAVORITE THING ABOUT OEGE~~ The friends itls brought me~ YEAR YOU BECAME A BEAU~~ Spring 2001 DID YOU KNOW? . In 1947 the first televised World Series MLB game aired . The Yankees beet the Brooklyn Dodgers 4to 3.

fAvo\<Itb ftt>D: ~-00 ~-\cor~~o-~.r(-WJeu, AVoK:rr~ tll:r.~ t\b:>ut Dfbr~ ~ , A\\ 4h~ ~~'(~\ Lo.dv~s ~eo.x ~ru-l>~~a¥Ylt .~ "BtJ4Lo. dao\ l)ID "-j ou., 'UIJaw ·~ ·~ Jn 1 qLi 7 \)ttt-t \)l.C.itrlJTt ()A;u_c_e_, ~~\[~. , 0-~Am' (J( CnRpLA~' me._mCifl;~ \J.Xill ru'bO mv-en~ Uo -\tlu_-t ~me ~CG\f.

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WESLEY PLYBON YEAR YOU •BECAME A BEAU: Spring 2002 baby!!! wooohooo!!!!! NAME.· Huggable Squeezable We~ HOMETOWN: Nashua, NH B-DAY: Jan 29 1982 FAVORITE COLOR: Uh.. .l don't really have one. I don't have any least least favorite either. /like colors that go together. That's why I don't mindwearing pink. It's a color to. Why be prejudice against colors. I mean even ''puke green" has its place to. I don't hate it any more or Jess than I do any color of the rainbow. Now} if you were to do something obscene with the color like} draw vomit} then I'd be less likely to like it. But that wouldn't be because of the color. For me} it's not the colors that are chosen for something. It's whats done with those colors. For example if you take bright red or pink or something like that and paint the outside (or inside for that matter) I'm not gonna like it. However if the color was on something like a flower, I'd Jove it. FAVORITE FOOD: Anything Italian /Seafood. For one ... Chicken Shrimp Alfredo Mmmmm *smack lips* THING YOU LIKE BEST ABOUT OEGE: The wonderful/ fellowship/camaraderie shared between the members. OEGE is a great bunch of girls and I count it a major blessing to be able to be your beau.

GABRIEL ROPER NAME~· Gabriel T. L Roper HOMETOWN: Coloroado Springs, B-OA Y: October 16, 1981 FAVORITE COLOR: Royal Blue S/Jver FAVORITE FOOD: Pizza YEAR YOU BECAME A BEAU~~ Spring 2002 THING YOU LIKE BEST ABOUT OEGE The People!!! DID YOU KNOW? . In 1947 the National security act created the CIA. . The DeadSea Scrolls were located in Qumran in 1947 . In 1947 Hammurabi's Law Code was translated by archaeologists.

YEAR YOU BECAME A BEAU~· NAME: Daniel Lawson HOMETOWN: Originally Memphis, Tenn. Now Searcy, Ar. B-OAY: II Did not reply~~ FAVORITE COLOR: Green FAVORITE FOOD: Anything cooked. THING YOU LIKE BEST ABOUTOEGE: Honesty and lntegrety Spring Semester 2002!! Pictured here is Daniel's wife Amber. These photos were taken September 17th 2001 at Daniel and Amber's ring ceremony.

LEE CRABTREE NAME: Robert Edward Lee Crabtree HOMETOWN: Huntsvii/S, Alabama B-OA Y: 12125180 ( Christmas baby!) FAVORITE COLOR: Green FAVORITE FOOD: Anything THING YOU LIKE BEST ABOUT O The girlz... tha chickz... the WOI\JlSN!I YEAR YOU BECAME A BEAU: Spring 2002 DID YOU KNOW? In 1947 Hewlett-Packard is incorporated and features 39 products in their customer catalog, and employees 111 people. In 1947 the speed of sound was broken.


NAME: Karen Dunham HOMETOWN: Seattle, Wa FAVORITE FOOD: Edible! ok, j/k. Chinese MAJOR: ~lementary Education, 'middle school math and ~cience. BEST THING ABOUTOEGE: Being smaII enough to know everyone and look out for each others' needs. YEAR OF INDUCTION: 2000 KAREN DUNHAM B-OAY: January 26 FAVORITE COLOR: Royal blue or Forest Green SOMETHING YOU COLLECT: Coca-co/a and M&M stuff. RDS OF ADVICE: Make sure you spend your time what rea1/y counts... they don't tend to wait for you to get around to them. FAVORITE MEMORY/ FUNCTION: Way to many to pick just one. MIP will always be up at the top though! OEGE CLASS OF 2003

MEGANREES NAME: Megan Rees HOMETOWN: Hong Kong, China B-OAY: march 4th 1980 FAVORITE COLOR: Blue FAVORITE FOOD: SOMETHING YOU Anything Good COLLECT: MAJOR: Psychology/ Vocational ministry BEST THING ABOUTOEGE: Friendship YEAR OF INDUCTION: 2001 Megan graduated in May of 2002 with aB.l in Psychology, She decided to stick around a few more years to persue her masters at Harding Graduate School. So don 'f be surprised if you see her around campus with her favorite beau Wes. Coins WORDS OF ADVICE: Give it all you've got, because it's gone before you know it. FAVORITE MEMORY/ FUNCTION: Beau-ing esp. you know who! .J OEGE CLASS OF 2002

KATRINA AUSTIN NAME: Katrina Austin B-OAY: September 19, 1980 HOMETOWN: Merrimac, Mass FAVORITE FOOD: Chocolate MAJOR: Education BEST THING ABOUTOEGE: The open Spirituality YEAR OF INDUCTION: Katrina never participated in the induction process. She was a founding member of a current club on campus and she jumped to Oege in 2001. FAVORITE COLOR: Green For the past four years Katrina has led a spring break campaign to New Hampshire to help her home congregation. SOMETHING YOU COLLECT: Books, esp. Lori Wick WORDS OF ADVICE: !!! GET SLEEP!!!! FAVORITE MEMORY OR FUNCTION: OEGE CLASS OF 2003

AMANDA JENKINS NAME: Amanda Jenkins (soon to be Ryan) HOMETOWN: Batesville, Ar ( but grew up an army brat) FAVORITE FOOD: My favorite "food -food' is Italian. Primarily Lasagna. My favorite "dessert– food" is brownies or chocolate chip cookies. My favorite ca is Haribo Gummie Bears. MAJOR: Graphic Design FAVORITE MEMORY/ FUNCTION: Oege has changed so much in the past three years. When I was inducted in '99, -there were on,o/ 5girls in the club. I joked with two of my fellow inductees that I was going to be president of OEGE someday. LIWe did I know that I would in fact be OEGE's president my entire Junior year. Nor did I know how much OEGE would grow. There have been so many great memories! I always love the beau entertainment! (I'm sure that has nothing to do with the fact that my fiance is a beau.) They will never be able to top "Men in Pink" though, or" Oh No.I... The pres likes Daniel more me or you." I love our sleepovers. They are always great bonding times. And the games can be sooo funny.! (after the guys leave of course.Q The Zoo function was great, and all of our formal functions are neat because we get to see each other" all spiffed up". It's great that Oege sits close together in chapel and that we have Home Bible Study together. Everything about Oege is my favorite. YEAR OF iNDUCTION: Fall of 1999 B-DAY: October 13, 1980 FAVORITE COLOR: I refuse to pick a favorite color so as not to offend any of the thousands of other beautiful colors in the world :) I am partial, however, to blues and and not quite as of orange. SOMETHING YOU COLLECT: I collect" Gone with the Wind" memorabilia, as well as postcards and key chains. WORDS OF ADVICE: I would advise every freshman to join a social club. There is so much that you can gain from being in one. Other than that, really enjoy your freshman year. Spendas much time with friends as possible, without letting your grades drop, of course. Ifyou can make it without having a job, don~ work as a freshman. Instead, spend that time bw1ding relationships to last you throughout eternity. Date as many people as you wish, but don~ get serious with anyone yet. Pick a major, and have a plan, but don~ stress out too much. Remember to keep God first in your daily life, any enjoy Harding for all the wonderful things she has to offer. Before you know 1t, you will be graduating. EGE CLASS OF 2003

Misa Mitsunaga NAME: Melissa' misa' Mitsunaga B-DAY: April 12, 1981 FAVORITE COLOR: HOMETOWN: I claim St. Louis Black, silver and blue FAVORITE FOOD: Japanese, Chinese, Desserts ";Jnd anything that's not the caf ''food". MAJOR: Theatre and vocational minist!y. 9ESTTHING ABOUTOEGE: 1he friends, the parly times and the black and silver je.rseys (I would add old ~ase if old rose was on the jtrseY, but it's not ... no offense ifyou like princess 1 ink.) )'EAR OF INDUCTION: This picture was taxen Something you co/lect: Books of the fantasy sci-fi soft WORDS OF ADVICE: Keep up with your homework so you're not stressing at the end of the semester, don't feel pressured to join a club, and UNDER NO CIRCUM– -STANCES STAND under a tree with a squirrel in it. atthechri~tm~sruntion FAVORITE MEMORY/ 2001. She IS With her boyfriend Chad Roberts. FUNCTION: Umm.. trick or treating with Lurch (Nate Huddleson) at Dr. Burks house. OEGE CLASS OF2003

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Bern makes a christmesgift for her roomate who is tolally unaware that the quilt isactually for her. Christina and Becca I won an oscar ..and you didn't... Christina, don't slipon the towel!

sarabeth Greeley Hello!!! I love pinquins !!! Jackie Maples

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