Oege 2003

NAME: Karen Dunham HOMETOWN: Seattle, Wa FAVORITE FOOD: Edible! ok, j/k. Chinese MAJOR: ~lementary Education, 'middle school math and ~cience. BEST THING ABOUTOEGE: Being smaII enough to know everyone and look out for each others' needs. YEAR OF INDUCTION: 2000 KAREN DUNHAM B-OAY: January 26 FAVORITE COLOR: Royal blue or Forest Green SOMETHING YOU COLLECT: Coca-co/a and M&M stuff. RDS OF ADVICE: Make sure you spend your time what rea1/y counts... they don't tend to wait for you to get around to them. FAVORITE MEMORY/ FUNCTION: Way to many to pick just one. MIP will always be up at the top though! OEGE CLASS OF 2003