Oege 2000-01

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ESCORTS Kyle Wylie Tim Wylie Kenny Boyd Gary Moore Joey Potter James Wylie Michael Michener Shannon Schillinger IN MEMORY OF Christina Renle Corum ENTERED INTO REST October 17, 2000 AGE 19 Years, 7Months, 26Days SERVICES Friday, October 20, 2000 Ava Church ofChrist 2:00P.M OFFICIATING Andy Warren Dan Wade INTERMENT Ava Cemetery

To all tho c who loved Chri tina \Vord eem o inad quate to exJlres our appreciation to all who have poured out their heart to our family at the passing of our Christina. Finding a way to sa thank you and at the same time to e JlJ·e how deeply we love you and appreciate your xpa·e ion of concer·n has been diffi cult. Cbri tina mile, her joy of li\'ing and her de p rPsp ct for life itself stands a a trong te timony to our conviction that we were hie ed in loving her, being a part of her life and ye even participating in her journey home to our father. Please join u in celebrating her life, ber lo,~e for all, and her desire to be remembered for these things. We thank you for the prayers, the a nl , th flower , the food, the money and your presence -as we all grieved. We covet your continuing concern for our family. Plea e help US: eoatinne .celebrating Christina's life by enjoying smiles hugs, sun ets, beautiful art, andy beaches and the j y of being a child of God. ' •' The proce of learning to live with ut orn· hr' tina will b a long and difficult one we a k for your continued prayer~ and hop ou will never he itate to ask how we are doing. We will u1-vive this difficult time, but wewill never ·ua-renuer uur ti p ticsia·e to ·ec n.-is ina a ain aocJ we do look forward to the day when thi world will Jla away and our older brother will usher us all home to be with God and with our Chrissy-babe. Tbanl you and God ble you, The Corum family P.S. You can learn more about our baby and her life by vi iting legacy.com

Campus mourns student's death Ryan Cook Copy Editor In the middle of the blaring party that is "Midnight Madness," sobering news reached campus late Monday which brought the celebration to an abrupt halt for many students. Members of OEGE social club and other friends gathered just after midnight in the lobby of Kendall Hall to pray for sophomore Chris– tina "Chrissy" Corum, who had been involved in a head-on collision with an 18-wheeler near Hardy, Ark., lo– cated north of Batesville. She was mate, said. "I'm glad she's in heaven, and I hope to see her again." Corum waited until her sopho– more year to pledge a club and was inducted into OEGE just 10 days before her death. She had al– ready had an impact in her club. "One of the best things about Chrissy was that she really was a light to many people," sopho– more OEGE mem– ber Jo Province said. takentothehospital Christina Corum in Cherokee. Corum is sur– vived by her par– ents, Joe and Vickie Corum, and her boyfriend of nearly three years, Chris Himes. She also has two cousins at Har– ding, TimandJames Wylie. "She was my anShe died early Tuesday after being taken off life support. President David Burks announced the tragedy in chapel Tuesday. An early childhood develop– ment and special education major fromAva, Mo., Corumwas return– ing to campus after visiting home over the weekend. She was 19 years old. Known for a contagious smile, a friendly spirit and artistic talent, Corum will be sorely missed by those who knew her. "I loved her so much," sopho– more Sarah Ezell, Corum's roomgel on earth," James Wylie said. "She always had a smile on her face. Even if it was just her smiling at you, God blessed us with her presence. Now she is in His presence." A campus memorial service was held Tuesday night in C.L. Kay Plaza. After a time of singing and prayer, those in attendance took turns sharing their memories and encouraging each other. The funeral will be held at 2 p.m. today at the Ava church of Christ. Members of OEGE and King's Men and other friends will attend the ceremony.



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