
BOWERS, JAMES. Conwoy, AI. 81ble. Kings Men 4. DANIU, MICHAU. louisville, KY. Special Education. • 1 ' LANGHAM, SCOn. Bay Minette, Al. Physical Education. King' 5 Men 3. 4 ,f<ING'S Krea Atterberrv I . , . • . "JI N - . ..,. - i!!illl!!!_ • 9 ~ Outstandina Kino 's tlan Hay\•lard, Ca lifor nia Emerson, Gordon , . Femandex, Fiord . .. · Memphis, TN . . Groves, TX GaUaher., Ross . . . . . . . Pensacola. Fl Howard, Zane . . . . . . . . . . . • Baird, TX Hu,ghes, Tim . . . . . . . . . . Houston, TX Jones, Gary . . .. . ...... Roger5,AR linlmel, David . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Albia, lA ....... In its second year. Kings ~len grew and became active in serYing the Harding communitY. Thev held de\'otionals with ~ """ . ~ ... other clubs on campus. conducted worship sen·ices at Rosebud. Letona. and other small congregations. painted Searc,·'s trash cans. and supported Camp Shiloh financially. In spons competition. Kings Men took first place in small club football. Kings Men. along with their newly elected sister club. Oege. presented .a Spring Sing presentation entitled ··songs of the South... '-' '<' 1111 David Ransom– Little Rock, Ark. GilBERT, VAN. Gadsden, Al. Bibl~ LINCOLN, MICHAEL. Mobile, AL. Bible. Transfer from Alaboma Christian College. King' s Men 3, 4; Who' s Who 4: Bison Bond 3; Chorale 31 Student Association 4; Timothy Club 3, 4; Omicron Delta 4: lntromurols 3, 4. Brasher, Michael Brown, Jaek . Buterbaugh, Thomas Carbaugh, Richard Chism, Stanley .. Canard, Roy Di1on, John .... Sulphur , LA Ellenwood , G~ Indiana, PA Marathon, FL . . . . . . . . Houston, TX . . . Hickory Ridge, AR Brenton, AL Lone, Lorry . . . . . . . . Worner Robins. GA Lewis, Jeff . . . . . . . . . St. Louis, MO 1 /1..0_./!_Kevil\ . ...... . .,,~, Fi rCl:larl le Coil} ~lcs . . R1ck Stan t on not Billy Walker avail . Moorer, Conrad . . . . . . . Selma, Al Mums, Randy .......... Vero Beoch.-FL Non, Jerome . . . . . . . . . . Crestview Fl . - .. - . Stewart, James . . . . . . . . Harrison AR . ~ ....__ - -~ Stilwell, Charles Warren Ml . - -_ ..... _, Visollif, William . . . . Jocks_on Heights t.fY ~ ......... - ~- - - - - Woodroof, Tim . . . . . . . . . . . . Searcy, AR rlast thou not known? hast t'"lou not hea rd , that the everlasting God , the Lord , the Creator of the ends of th earth , fainteth not , neithe r i s wea ry? The re is no searching of His understanding . He giveth power to the faint; and to them that ha e no might he i ncreaseth strength . Even the youths shal I faint and be weary, an the young men shal I utter .. fal I : But they that wait upon the Lord shal I renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles ; they sha l 1 run , and not be weary ; and they shal I walk, and not faint. Twelve King ' s f\1en 'retu rned t o we lcome The 1974- 75 schoo l year, ou r second in existance . Shortly before pledge week most of these met to vote bet ween th ·ree poss i b i I it i es "or a sister c I ub . The re– sult w.e:s the union of King ' s 1en '" i th OEGE , a women ' s club cha·rte red in 1948 1 which had never had a bro– ther c I ub prev– i ous .I y . t'-1ay v1e have a long , happy and spir– i tua I ty reward_, i rtg I i fe together . - Isaiah 40:28- 31 1. Reden 2. Hafer 3. Pigg 4. Warren 5. Shock 7. Hannah 8. Foley 9. Roberts 10. Link 11. Frasier 12. Reese 13. Adams 14. Kathey 15. McFarlin 16. Davis 17. Close 18. Langford 19. Sanders 20. Gregory 21. Hue~· .22. Warren 33. Wells 24, Stout 25. Tipps 26. Perktns 27. Hughes 28. Burch 29. Thompson 30. Gibson 31. Kuhn 32. Johns 33. Peterson 34. Hiteman 35. Cline 36. Gardner 37. Mavo 38. DelL Beau 39. Morns