Kappa Delta Kappa 1978-79

;, FUN ANoGOOD CAUSE- Members of Sigma Tau Sigma and ICapp;o Delta •appa Social Clubs played <arrf and hoard !lames Saturday in the Wa~Mart Shopping Cenler to raise money lor the March Df Dimes. Tho "Gome-a.fhen wasfhe first •••r put on by thefwo clubs. CCitlzenPheto by Jolin ICulczycfcyjJ A different way to spend the day - six hours of monopoly l'wenty-tJ:lree "kids" enjoyed fun and games Saturday In the Wal-Mart Shopping C'enter in the first annual Marcb of Dimes "Game-a-thon" spon. sored by .l<appa Delta Kappa and Sigma 'l'l1u Sigma ocial Clubs. The two Harding University cJubs expecr to bring in about J60o from pledges and donations from the day-long e\'ent. according to Jeweu Holiday llo11oway. president of Kappa Delta 1\appa. Sigma said one monopoly game lasted six hours and a risk game took fivehours to complete. ''Generauy we switched games every half ho.ur or hour thougb." Head said. .Jan f 'ieldor. tbe chairman of the service project said a total of 23 People /rom both clubs were Present. "We played games like gin rum.my, chess. risk and monopolysince9:ao in the morning. " Holloway said. \\ ess Head, President of Sigma Tau ' 'We 've got about a 90 P&rceot par– licipation ratio from both clubs,'' she said. "Several P&ople pledged Sl.25 per hour and One persoQ donated $10." Space for tbe Game-a ·thon was dona ted by Wai-Mart and the gamers enjoyed lunch courtesy of Kentucky hied 'hic.'ken.