Kappa Delta Kappa 1978-79

A lot of a worthy fun, and cause. • • It may look like fun and games in the Wal-Mart parking lot this Saturday, but the March of Dimes will benefit from the first annual Gameathon conducted by two Harding clubs. The Kappa Delta Social Club and the Sigma Tau Sigma social club will be accepting pledges and donations to raise money for the charity. The students will play a variety of games, on tables set up on the parking lot, from 9:30a.m. to 5:30p.m. "Tbe money raised from the Gameathon wlll help fight the number one health problem 1n America - birth defeat," said Joan Kucala, chairman of the White County Chapter of the Ma.rch of Dimes. "The two Harding groups and the Wal-Mart Stores have donated the time and place to raise funds for children." She explained that the local chapter will retain 40 percent of funds raised in special projects and annual campaigns, while 60 percent will be used on the national level to finance research pr ograms. Kucala continued to say that more than 250,000 babies suffer from birth defects, including mental retardation, blindness, deafness missing limbs, defective blood cells and body chemistry disorders. "Much progress has been made in overcoming theae defects, but miracle cures area long way off. We need the dollars necessary to back the research to improve knowledge and techniques," she stressed. For information on the Gameathon, call Jan Fielder or Jewel HoJJoway at 268-4465.