Chi Sigma Alpha 1974

• lJNWS ~~K fKATfkNUS Ja-R 1%/JIJc:c»/~ :f(as!cl( .·~~ . ~ .... f~ ~~ .,mD~ -ya'""7 &PA~ ~ ~ ~abup ~;(;/,W./{txiC<f ~ ~~ ")/~O)y~ pJLQ ~ rr.HAIIJA it!?! ~,0/c. P~~L A~-~~ ~~»1~


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• CHI SIGMA ALPHA The Chi Sigma Alpha social club announces the acceptance of your bid. If you wish to pledge, please meet at the intramural softball field on Tuesday night, October 8, at 7:30 p.m. Dress in– formally and please be on time. We look forward to the time when we may greet you as our Chi Sig brother. Sincerely, THE MEN OF CHI SIGMA ALPHA

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UU'" ..LVi:l'L- d t:;aine. In the Large division, Sub-T picked up their ninth straight title to maintain their strangle hold. M0hi.cans finished second, Ifollowed uy Alpha Tau and Chi Sigma Alpha. Thf't.a Tau took ton sm:~ll "R"

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- . Winners in four categories and the best all-around trophy in the second annual Spring Sing were announced after the performance last Saturday night. Galaxy and Ju Go Ju social clubs received the sweepstakes award in the second annual Spring Sing program. Judges also selected winners in four categories after the Saturday night performance. J~~g.LIY! ~~Chi Si~ AIDha !nRlUi!:§.C 3iun ]Lovey:all .~If2.rill18.-l!~~.while Kappa Kappa Kappa and Kappa Sigma Kappa placed as second runners-up. The club with the highest percentage of club membership participating was WHC. First runner-up was Kappa Phi and second runner-up was Shantih. l n tilearea of theme the judges cliose ~~na ~~ ~ ~a Alpha the: ' ' nul W.9.rl<i9LDL~J~Y·" Tri-Kappa and Kappa Sigs were the first run– ners-up; Galaxy and Ju Go Ju took second runners-up. Galaxy and Ju Go Ju again placed first iJL.J~~-··area-.of £<?.~f!l~g . Regina and C~ -~ig_s _lYgr:_~l!!:§J runners-up an TnKappa and Kappa Sigs were second runners-up. "'l!l~ll~eography, the judges chose Galaxy and Ju Go Ju social clubs for the first place plaque. Tri-Kappa and Kappa Sigs were firs! runners-up whi~Regina •


• -r::u.£ ) 2nd Eunner-Jp: CLUB GAifl~d - J"' (; .. J"' S~1C:Vi = 8~ iS ·~") e lst t-.unner-Un CLU3: "f~, ~[fA - f:-r-iy~ ti ~-,~ ~L) SFc.;: 8R..~" k (-1sT s~; A\ ·.inner: R~(J\Y\A - Chi <;"-;YY'If1 /1(f~'/1 vv~lr D''"•a

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• "Jfe hal£ chosen us in Jf2m be_fiJre lhe /oundalion o/i£e world, !.hal we should be .holy and wilhoul blame be_fiJre him in love.'' ,..,,..,Cp£esians 1:4 @>ltf ~@~ ~tl7JI, ( /ft:_d~/~~ ~~filt ~ A!:maa _o/~ j/4A:Mnaf dKe~¥~~ rffand~ ,«; @(fcf rf{£J?V @~nfldt/n //71/ ~~ ~~d_o/@Z/u~~ ~e?b A'it?uitat ~-0~~ -a~~~j; ~ £J cdr£~ /£e /7~ (h) 6/P (c)Jfii) c ,(~' . (h) w~ ~r:?,e?;J, .,;;z;:,ee G? /ff:u&c W/mlw ~d4lf Yfol'~ ~4<? (~/

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• QI)ncc, a ~ing. a (@uccn. Jlfor frim, frcr cuiors; Jlfor .frcr, fris name. ~ pad, a bonb, a fricnbsirip ••• Ifiarcn fuitfr Io!Jaitg-, ~mbroincrcn fuitfr Iouc, ~caicn £nitfr ifrc signet (!Iameiot. A,nn nofu, a ~cronn ~iug. tfrc (@uccn of ~cads . Jlfor lrim, frcr frann; Jlfor frcr, fris kingnom. !'- plcngc, a uofu, a marriage ... 1Jlace~ fui±fr Io!Jal±!l, ~mbroinereh fui±fr Iuue, ~ealcl't fui±fr tfrc signet (!Iamelot.

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~ . ~ I . .5fl.'r.. and 51f'lS. flames !Ro~e'r.t f}a'r.'r.elf 'r.equest the honou'r. o/ yoU'r. p'r.esence at the ma'r.'r.iage o/ thei'r. daughte'r. Sta' flay to on :f~r.iday, the twenty,.thi~r.d o/ 51fay • nineteen hundud and seventy=five ' I i. at seven o'clock at Chu~tch o/ 93lue !Ridge Gxit, fl~r.andview !Road Q'landview, 5f1issou'r.i cf?eception immediate& /offowin9 the ce'lemon!f at the Chuzch


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~-h ·, ~iCjrna 1-1\ \ld 'th i 5 a !:> bCi<Lr~ ~t>-C\, ~vaa-\ l11ZaY f1 v R.. ~1 ~ n a va -\-'\0 ,Q O<Le :so · r L) 0\:c +i ~s · \\~o \.'-- \ 1 u.3)\1-<£:Y" d o ~~a . ,. ·e. e."Jol.jeo n · ' ~ o ~ r"tu. !+ (!,~ to 5(2.VVCZ QlLY YO \~0 Q · ut-h<2Y . I t -l\o 'S fY'Q: d n t ~ 1"'1\U..C'r-- IT'' L-\.S tc ~ y ;; \I {: ·,s . ' q ()LL . dppYe~ ·iatQ; a c.h o a o upl..l a + a -f, e. exai'Y )<Z you.. c\1 <L ~. Q C..On~ \ 0~Y" It 3YQ.a1 m.0 '( 1- U<2 ha, \c) Sp<!-~·l a,~ Ia.c.e WI h 'fOU... ~ qQ.ay 1 d • Q br6<:J l (/_. ()lJ. ( Q. C::0 ~~Q.c..\a \ V...S 1 ~ 0 Y TQ. u..\ \L\ .dcr.Q. f>t L\ou... Y of e. Y" -To · bQ you..y- ~\ ~-t-<2. '( ~\u...b 'n e L\<2. a.y .':) "l 5 - i. t. . J: +I~ 5o\ 5 m aQ. d 'rOT\"'\Q, y" srcza-t ~Q,O.Y ~ ,

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STATE OF ARKANSAS ::Department o/ Socia/ anJ f<efwtifilative Service:J ROGER B . BOST. M .D .• DIRECTOR DALE BUMPERS GOVERNOR MENTAL RETARDATION-DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITIES SERVICES ARKANSAS CHILDREN'S COLONY Hr. Doug Kilgore Chi Sigma Alpha Harding College Searcy, Arkansas Dear Mr. Kilgore: CHARLES E . ACUFF . COMMISSIONER P . 0 . BOX 123 ALEXANDER. ARKANSAS 72002 December 9, 1974 AC 501/847-3506 On behalf of the residents and staff of the Arkansas Children's Colony, Alexander Unit, I r¥ould like to express our appreciation for your visit on December 9, 1974. I know that our residents enjoy your visits very much and your willingness to come often speaks connnendably of your desire to be of service to others. Contributing time to visit with others less fortunate is truly a service each of us can render, but too many of us forget that we can give this. Therefore, it is very good of you all to give this gift of yourselves. Thank you. If we can ever be of service to you, please feel free to contact us. Sincerely, 1;li~~.a atJ~eu~· Rebecca A. Coleman BJH: THL: RAC: sp "The Arkansas MR-DDS 1S in compiiance w1th T lie V! of lhe Civ1l Righ1s Acl and is operated, managed and delivers its services Without regard to race, color or National Origin"

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