Chi Alpha Rho 1986-87

~•-':!llliir:.~:n-•:1\+: C.aro/ 4'resid:tri+: Pa"" W i""' he.rr-y ...........-rt.i:-ar y: !'1~-nTHl 7'll ; IIer \A. re.r : {(obtY\ Prc..t; tt hers: ~....--- __ , e Allt.n t ;tti."""' 1~ Am-er~..,. Bctnk$ ~-11!'!...-_,a Barker 8a.rn.hC\rr &rnhar+ I f!:wJ. "'flOsk y a Billi"j.s t-ey ' ¢ 81a'"pi ed .61!4-t Broc.tss-arJ eatrtpbf,ll .a~a Carrfbt,// e;_,,..n~ ; eou;,_s fooks t~y ---~ E~rt\ G- o"n~"ez. C-hrisf-1 Gr?.d.y L;s-a Grif-Fin . Kai-1\y )1~-Htm~ She II e ' ).l,·~ks K'-t<U'\ I~r_'-'""' el\tri J"' CA..SfI ( -e J(are.n 1\.e~~ ~'Y\&~ K.. tJse-y Caro I laY\d.erft.lf Ga'II~ La~.~,.~_." c..-e To"'ia La~revac.-e Terry l-edd.y G.r~+c..hel'\ 1'/o-n.S Jflo-n-na )Y); ller s~ ..,~+t-e "1'1~ lt.t ~ f'Y) frloss Caruly~ "Yl.~al . &a~~ Pier-ce C.arolV-r'\ txLlm pa,+ b~.Jroe. 'Y") e -e Chtri ~- Poy,o+ 'J"enn;f", ..... Pr i<:e · Pn.";++ ::fi II Se~I Br~'r'd~ s;,;-f4, 1,·S4 Spe.nc1! J'detu~l; l"t -e 77 .l..Do Do-n-n~ J'hom';l S L~~h -r~oisc..," 7tl i"' a va..t; er Tr-a.c.y \,J<f..ldy Kar-t...~ W<.-nel + P.ll't'\ \,J;"' bfr r y J"e~ni fer Wr,Jh+ Y~l~ri~ ydtu ~~+k'-f _ yo~-r\9 fY)au.ree.n yol4Yuj

~~~E :--¢~~~ We 1-:oY\-fi-nue_ {u ''p/d\/ 11 wl~ Ot&t {_ov.r srr··~ Sinj ~d.d H~. s). Wha+ joes uf .. . / "fYlust- corn€ dow "'Y) • - ~

C.h; A'r"'~ or a c..-1-; c:.e +ht- \ ,, WC\\k.. ;,t"" k"fs ~oY\key "th~ .f<A..+ur--4!.-'s so br; q h..-+ 0 IJ I go-1-+o ~";)r shod...e.S .../.:1 &8\/lo ~ f>eat-t G- rej scop-e. -fo r- "l'")€ w 3;r I S .

A-n-n Blt.Ae ) L~;Jh "'fr~lsc,- (o"Y\ +h~ r;3h."!) ( - w/Ue.r;c. Poy·not-

Ke..~+h) rooksltyJ &rker) ~..,p ~ t .JJ"'us+ic~J~at,..,. }{o.+t~"'e~ Pled,<te "'e.e.. "- 1r; ..,..,:r• ·o~+ +n~ worst i., a l1 o -F V\ .s ~ "' 1-: I ...J f In) l 0 r .1J f e .. '' D . ~~ o~"l"\c J do-n'+ propose. u.s1 ~CM.-r rYto~+h -fu..ll (o-f 1f\os~JSm.,~)1hom~.s ,Tr~isc; J /'f. ~ov.""'j >G~.3v.e-z, .. Pn<e .I+ doesr:~ work a ny 1Y)o.r+; eli) s show ..... v~.,. t. ()Us + ~ Ie-n +s ~

• • • ~d; "J.!o-+ M'dm'Cl 11 Coli•~ S Cools of'"T v.J l+h S6W\~ 1c.:e wh,·l-e Kare-,., C.aolvs/~'i ~ I V \..Q(ol l. a-rderf"e !+-) ~ h·~at.t Joh""h ~e Ib~·j w~-tc..h . Do~'"'na !hom-as i I ~~~h Tra\sc.i ~Q..t ~33 ~ -the.t'r -Foe~.

E [-nels 1\.e.w SpoY'l sor - T<\."Y\ iY'l e R,.e..c..:t-o.- - aclcls a -n~w ''-twist " +o Q_hi A-lfha R.ho.

lrac'} bac..ks .. u.r he-....- t tamm-ait Pom W(,~,ry. fr\~hsa1' I 'alA"r'c.hts #~ - ~b o-n -+h-e Off'~>s i"") tea~n. l,·sa 5PeYlce CoYlu~+ra.+es o-n her se...rve..

\I 0. T '' u 1 earn YoII~~ ball ers Po++ Cupe j, ves I; fe OY"\ -th-e ed3e . ~ta+ch yo"'-r s+~p! (5at.~.-ndr~ ., I>Pt-J,bie Blamfi l!d 1 Dav;d &rberi a"l'l; '" n e ya.~ -r 1 ~ Chu; e Pof'ot" )

'who sa~s i-h~~ m,· s+l-e.-t ()e. do~SY' '+ wcr \<. ? (c v-rrt'it Allq~ ~ . F6~ ('a..pb# U. ) ... . I ~eav.. J'omI t. ;$ f I "a'Y\ ked . b\; --t h~ f><~t-"f'\h~rt . -the spoY'Isors ho11e. -flA-n ~.·+h ''o(Ar '• dates.

. '> :-;-· -– II: ,.--- - I I I I I & I I I I I I I I 'tto'-J 1 \ ~ --\-0a{ a. n 'j~..~.\a\; on N i~'viiS 'rt i yt \ . \. ( '"g-eau H)y C..arv';f\o-e_l\

""Senn·,fe.r o.nd l-isa.. t +n.~e. -'-' 01e o \A..f . ta ~y-o.C~tCe. be.\ "'j 'ba. \\e r \ na. $ . \\ ' t I •• vJho C.C\.\\cl f"f'S iS~ -face~ li\<t 4hese!' ( 'Bea.Cq( AY'\d~ '1Sur~ a.~d . t f0'1 C'c~~~~ ~o~essa does Q ~-·d ·~·'- o-P ){eepi., 'Ocl1'-1 i"" hnt. • (0<Ar""\ \\Q\\e\"" o~ ~<An~~Sc.. ~~~~)

('Y:J~. -(b,o\ ~~e~.C'e.l-1Ca£,eYlCe \\fY1e !I GrancJ.roa. s~er.s tf' o.nd. CA.S X.S ~~ o. dance •

to.+'n~ · Seern5 \Je~ Ct>n ~·, den-\. ( ~-\~~ ~a~t~mer)

- ·""" Friendship is a Golden Chai n , The links are friends so dear , And like a rare and precious jewel It's treasured more each year-– It's clasped together firmly With a love that's deep and true, And it's rich with happy memories ~=F==And f ond recollections, too-– Time can't destroy it ' s beauty For, as long as memory lives , Years can't erase the pl easure That the joy of friendship gives-– For friendship is a priceless gift That can't be bought or sold, But to have an understanding friend Is worth more than gold.

QfF•·- ~'"'e.s·a en-\- - · a. es.~a:. "l>o..'"– \1\Ge.-~.c\-en+- (.;he.r--, e. Po'Joe+ ~-e.u-e-\<u- - -ne.b\ia~ "!) ~vnpied Treo-_~ur~c- - Ro\:ien ~~t-\-t 6\+h ~(...."l:), ...~c.tor-~- flli~ lier- diSro..~ Deoo-\=.o~1::), r-~-\o'""'-TrG.C_'l wd.\'1 ~CL ~~rc:..~en+~-f•u~~- Lei~hT~-.i. 1ed'ik,... . W~'~:Jh+ Itis~~'' <A.n~- ~nne.... h()t'f'\Q..~ t L.-,~<l. ~~nC(:. lle..~u..~: AnA'I "Burns ~o CA~phe\\ ~c= \ "<X...\twe.\\ .:r, ~I"Y''\~0~ '>Q~ ~ponso~-'Po..+ (op~ . CAro\'fn ~XU.h"'\ P~.\- l-n.. w f'(!" ce.. :r-(kh •.__~ L-e.«:.+o,...

--\a..l\5n~w ~---n·, ~ ~~l~n ~~i~ 6\nn~-'N>~ -~, ...'l-6. Ptt\UI\~t"\ .....___ \o- f>~~--~ ~ ~..-~ ~t..~... ~......_• ~ll~ ~~~('~ "~b\ile.. 6\6-~p··~ 'Inner-o~~~A ··~---, \\ e,,." &_V')-\- llejlw... CA""p-\l r'v'd" ea...-c~.. .:ro-..~ (_-. · !t~~ ~~-~ C..o\f,V'~ :r~nn·~~ .. ~~~~ 4\\'\~ t),\\~--~ f\~ ...."'t. e ''~ c---h-e tl\tl' ~.."'C-'1 . ' r_·~~'l ~ri•~ c.."~-,c.:.\-·. b (Gel'\ Sh~~o~ b~-e..en~~" · a.:-~ be-:'\-~'- n. Lo..,.··~ \\~ks. ~n..c.-~1' ~1'~t'~Yi' c..~~~ J '"'-~+'~ ~~· Ck Li.\~tt'l MEMf>ERS <:~r--oI L-(A.~e_,...~ I+ Ton'•c-.... 1-G_~f'~ne.<!. llo...~\ ~\le M~Ccn! \a>~n~'l P\c.. L\ nn()r\ ,-~t..' ~oor~ fll\ ~ {' .~~ "'a ~s \.'\ htl. "'e.o..t 'l_; "'~~~'''-' ~ ""-f\~ L'~o._ l>t'+ · C.. r-i~s \f Pc.c.e Q_\4. 'f~n Phcr...n c..~~N~ Po'Jnot .,..,~ ~"~~ ~1'\ it.obl" Pt '-'--\ -t+ ~"~"~'I R.Q~oe~ ~~ · ~· c_\Le_i-t ~e s.~lbv L,.:,~~~~c ·\ e C" ,....·. ~u.:tk~r lo.()J ~Y\~--\\'\{)MG. S Le.\,h , r-a"• &C; , f'ilai'A.. \)A\i~,.. y....,Y" W~rd. lr~~'\ we \4'1 \)G..."' ~\~b~ I'~~ -:t e..'W""' '~~r '-'.),...i'tat \)~\e..i e. v~+~

l Ll~-Gh \_ - Who...-t' d "i ex c\ o nov..) .So..Y\ d.l '2

JJ e._.lo\::)1 e_ --\- e_ \\ s 0>-. 'Lh.el! - slc.pper +o ·· C'__oV'. -v.._:, e.. , . . 1' ' ' ::L do 1'\ 1 -\- 5 e + i +. 1 ( ~3·, ~~ "t ~0\.1> lJ \ s'Y\ -:t c..ov..\ 6eo---\ \\ \(e -\-'v\ a.-\-- \.

oc+o' - \4- ~ t o.. r +e.d \.k-\ Q S CL .S YY1 ex.\\ ~\OW --\-'n; \. u....-\- ·r + j u.s-\' 3-r- E'W ~ _:J c evJ1 \~'<\Ow ·\ +- j CAStWov'' +3o U.wQ'-1 !

he \)ea. ~x. s --yo_r--\ -t he \ ' ' -r '"" r-jlYh 1 \ -e- 4 '-0e Slf' \S loo I(_ 0 "' w \ ~h e.,'{ cl-\-e Y'Y\ e rvt . ,-------~ - ~ow ~ "4\ ~-::s: -\W'>~+ we -\o\~ 1o"' -\1::> ~~ "'~'~ -\\"€ ~e\.

~ L'fnn ~~1\J ~~\C\-s ~,.. s\

_:5 ~\0""'A~5eY\1 Ta.rv~o... f\+l!...'lf\60(\ 1 ~o-....-v\1 €. G l\ ~r- b~1 ':t::bY"f'Oihot'"f"C.-.~/ L'fV'Y'\ \:)~ o-..'-s-6D-~ ~ , "'\ \\ '(\o... Pre~Q.O...t' \)""'~s~ ~ er C\. c-\ lt.OC.. ~~\\ ~re 'oe'"~ \"" ~f6.'"e~ .fo... _..._. ~ G.-\~ac}L of1 t

"""Rob, r.. Pru...~ + -t t Li6a.. ~pence +o.-'tl..-e 0.... U:>o...\'1(_ \'("\;-he.. .5nov.) •

-~ CH.I.r-:7 A~PI=fA /RHO The women of CHI ALPHA RHO cordially invite you to become a member of our Social Club. If you wish to accept, please meet with us in Room 203 of the American Studies Building • at 9:30 p.m. on Sunday, October 4, 1987 In Christian Love XAP

eeK We So..\lA--+e ljO~ Co v-1\W\a. ~er, ., _. .

M Q.,r t\' e. ,, ~u.(j(_w\\~u


he ~fo~sors ~\"-n .-\-he Su..~s~ <A..-+ a~ ..

-rhe.. reeru.: es ll-ie fined u.p ~a.ins-r -lh-e Wtt-1J.

. F0 r t"l a.\ In·,-\-. ~;-·,on

VJhCL-\ th<l Qc),V".' ~"'cf1 ~ -.::::,

• ~ ~~ .... ...,.....,If!, ';;;;:..J~ C/ (}Jr. and C'Ynrs. (})an 6. CJtni//er and C'Ynr. and C'Ynrs. g C'Ynan/ey bi/pin invile you lo share in lhe celebralion o/ lhe marriage o/ lheir children C'Ynonna ef'uzanne and C'Ynr. Yames O'narvin bi/pin on ef'alurday, lhe nineleenlh o/ (j)ecember nineleen hundred eighly-seven al hal/ J>asl lwo in lhe afternoon

LcJD!C6 /:K.e ;-{ u he.~: r) c. c. f'e= i -<: I -~ ---. ......en1e s-~er ~Oc EJ.JtU<-; one.. oq~ ('~ I wo....~c\l \ K.¢.- \-o , r,f...): k -e..uQ'l....l..oA.e ~ <:..o,.-yq:~.. ,__:,.,<;,~ 1YU.....-c 6 ..e/1 ~r (\r 1 0 ho-.........;) \.r ::; 1...>-> .a~ tL • . • I.:' u-e Pu. i , c. i (> i t:) \ ~ ( ,.-y..J<. ' (\ (.;s "' -;-y, 11.. r\'\ Gt . (\ ~J.Ji. Co tY'\.e La~- , ~ l'l,g,_ ·h– (j\<.~;::;-e ~0 , 1'\, ·n'-I::L c.. \ '-'~J l n =-, .__d! ·-f-= \...M-e.lo(\ :"-'1\rd.e.t6atL 'X.~ c')p2_(2.5 . 1 th: Q/pllo. k/l r:;, Box

.- /- 18-88 • •

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tne li..?o.- Vfloj'j - Jenrl,fer ())l'jht- ~hf'',~tt G,r-~y C.\1\.!1 C.C.V\0-4- CoY\y\,e 'f\1\eV\-v'YI"tf\o- Vo.l ;u

L~_/--+ ,~ ~.3e_,t- -+>'r\~.::;, coJ \ KLunqv.a....-t (..5+e u~ c(\\0\ 1-c, - I ~ ) 1(: <'d-er-~e 1+ . \ <' '{ bo( 0 rYX:>--""

s~n '\ {o\\ n~ a.~ .. \..,.e\5" \ \

t U Sc-- '\ ~n~ ~ n-s e.~r \ UL ~ ~.., ~one..r 'f

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c \ 0 LV n ' I n· ' I e I

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0 c~, A\,hcl ~o K; re·, i Kn,,s 0~ Sh " ·,~

'I r\n ~ o~IIIA· \t~ ~... ti~ C~",_;' AII ,, =eastie G·.rIs,

SCLnJ·, ''-the. C:,. ~pe •• Co\\itt j hi ~ \)~ ,,

:Do\\"1'\CLThornQ..5 <f' let_t"\ '\ (\_ f\+ ILt n 6o~

The women of CHI ALPHA RHO cordially invite you to become a member of our Social Club. If you wish to accept, please meet with us in Room 203 of the American Studies Building at 9:30p.m. on Sunday, October 4, 1987 In Christian Love XAP



• •

.. I 'f'n Sid.t.ot : ~O'bil\ 'YC'I4i~t: VI L ~ ?r~ ~ ·, do(trf· : ~.ellye. Di llo.rel 5~ r~io.f'~ : Af'I\Y Chwoc.hi\1 'li ~SI.A.r-t.r-: Cindy ~o.. A \t.tiC.. "t>'•NdOIS'. ~iS.. MOSS, Su.<t Sp4nc:~r "De:votiol\4\ 't:>\r-tdor-: 'B.Nnd.. smith, Yll'rltt s Co\ +Gl j fk 'I.!~· C!.•"~~V\+uftve.~ : M.e.I;Nia 1"1c.(!p..\\1 'To"yc.. Ho\1iS Jli 6'\-ot'iQ.n ~ : So.,ndit. A<-~~iro~, ~hcu'\ot:t:.t. l::tUrcJ ~eo.ux: Antir.eL-\); Andy ~wns Ma.r+i, Milkr . nt ?.X{\tx\J 1>e. S??n~rs: - - MA~~;c., ~.. ~~:H'" {!D(>t.. JA~;n~ ~e,Gtor

Connie. AJifn .. - :n"s-\t.n-e.. l'1o..acu$.c, t1fJ;ndA- l1cC!A\\ a . LiSe. Ort; p

--·OU5£ f<A\\ /'i~q - u9• jtn"~oQC".C.,("e~~, ~t'•l\ Ar4~,\M~A.. L.e f1· ktll~1~;t,Mdi 541 ~,-.~ L1 t\c>:·W\~• M-t\\~, ~"*N't.\ CPnrilta -r-e.•'r'•\ ~o~·,., , J.,:. ~S. ~ A~~rt.J, (!)~' t.iMF, I '''"t 'PVA.

&i+otw1C&._.) t)t~1 l>t'.uvlJi' ,EIDJr\C1 KtJ/y't}llllnil~ ~in ~d, ... Andr.ew, \~1~,~~ct, ~tli,.J...1 'fdi"– TO., .. Li$/t s.,nn'~~·nn~~ ~~s. Pssst!

c 1<::\. ~d (Y\(~ ~0·"-~ ~-.)

f:>a•. (d J. -::::! \. c.., """+- ~ ~ '-rv -+- -o ..._. <=t • ....., I - ~ ''-' """' ~ -~ ~ f-::x><\e ~ fV'.c..,.,l v sso


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