American Studies 1975-76

Orc6Jestra se– eoncerf tot;-~~- be Sunday The Harding College Sym– phony Orchestra, under the direction of Travis Cox, will present a concert at 2:30 p.m. Sunday in the main auditorium. The first half of the program will feature music by American composers as a tribute to the BicentenniaL During the second half of the concert, Mrs. Ann Sewell, member of the music faculty at the college, will be featured as soloist in L. Van Beethoven's "Pia no Concerto Number 3 in C Minor, opus 37. TO PERFORM AT HARDING- The National Players of Washington, D.C., a professional tour group, will present Cavalcade of American Theatre, a Bicentennial offering at Harding College Monday, December 8 at 8 p.m. in 1he main auditorium. A panorama of American dramas, melodramas, comedies and musicals, Cavalcade will be performed by these ten men and six women under the auspices of the Harding Lyceum committee. Reserved seat tickets may be ob– tained from the Hardinq business office. · Cox, who organized the or- . chestra soon after he joined the faculty in January, 1975, s3id tile program will open with the Amencan music which will in– clude presentations by Louis Gottschalk, Billings, Henry .:::owen, Charles Griffes and Edward McDowelL Miss Anne }lamilton, 16-year– old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Hamilton of Searcy, is concertmistress·. for the or– chestra. NATIONAL PLAYERS WITH PRES:OENT- The National Players, who will perform at Harding College tonight with Cavalcade of American Theatre, tour by President Gerald Ford. With the President are membersof the cast and Rev. Gilbert Hertke, founder of National Players. The performance will be at B o'clock in the main auditorium. Ticke1s may be ob– tained at u,e door. There will be no admission charge for the concert which is open to the public. Recital to Sl~ f 4-2-JC eafurelticenfenr;Jial A sectiPn of Fiddlin Tunes and other music by American composers will be a feature of lhe Travis Cox violin recital Sunday -afternoon in the Recording Studio on the Harding Campus. Jeff Hopper will be the accompanist at the piano. . In recognition of the BlCentennial, the music by American _composers includes ''Toccata'' by Roy Harris, the Iinal movement of Aaron Copland's symphony, and Charles Ives' second sonata, 2nd and fourth movements called "In the Barn" and "Revival." The final half of the concert will include Beethoven's Monumental Sonata Number 9. There will be no admission charge for the concert which beg~ns at 2:30. I " . ·. v. .;_. , I J .. I t/ Bicentennial Belles and Beaux /~~ 2t:z{!,;,_~a~ dJ';:~e~J Harding College's Belles and Beaux, a musical variety group, will be in Paragould Tuesday night for the second Bicentennial concert. Directed by Cliff Ganus Ill, the college act features American popular music, comedy performances and novelty vocals. The concert is 8 p.m. at the Community Cen1/ 'l-( /;J,~' ter. Series tickets are still on-sale for $5 adults, $3 students; tickets at the door are $2.50 adulfs, $J .50 students. Other concerts in the series are The River C:ity Six, Feb. 9, and The Arkansas Symphony Chamber Orchestra, April 25.