American Studies 1975-76

~ Dr. Cox's 'ReDiri'n ot N~tion' wins Washington. medal sc 2-z.1-; Dr. Billy Ray Cox, Harding College vice president, was presented Saturday with an encased George Washington Honor Medal trom the Freedoms Foundation as the principal award for a public address, "The Rebirth of a Nation'- 1976". The Searcy · college, the Cox attends Presidential pray~;:-b~"gfdast Dr. Billy Ray Cox, vice president of Harding College, attended the National Prayer Breakfast this . morning in Washington; D.C. · He was amor11?; roted religious and CIVIC leaders from throughout the nation accepting the personal invitation of President Gerald R. Ford to join in prayer and dedication to God. Others joining in the breakfast were Vice President Nelson Rockefeller, five Supreme Court members including Chief Justice Burger, and Senators Mark Hatfield, John Stennis and Stuart Symington. The breakfast was held in the International Ballroom of the Washington-Hilton Hotel. National Education Program and NEP head Dr. GeorgeS. Benson were given Valley Forge Honor Certificates in the college campus programs, private ownership activities in economic education and Spirit of '76 mini– courses in Americ-an cateeories. The local individuals and ·in– stitutions were among 90C recipients at the Sheraton-Valley Forge Hotef, King of Prussia. Pennsylvania, .ceremony, ac· cording to Foundation President Robert W. Miller. All four are past recipients. Award-winning author Alexander Solzhenitsyn, whose novels of prison life in the Soviet Union have been read worldwide, was among eight persons to receive special national awards. Other Arkansas cities represented by award winners at the 1975 program were Ben– tonville, Fayetteville, Fort Smith, Little Rock, Stamps and Wynne. Since 1949, Freedoms Foun– dation has annually recognized individuals, schools and organizations for constructive words and actions supporting American principles, con– tributing to good citizenship and offering solutions to con– temporary national problems. Freedoms Foundation at Valley Forge 1975 Principal Public Address Award The Rebirth of a Nation Dr. Billy Ray Cox Harding College Searcy, Arkansas