Alpha Psi Omega

~... JJI==!I! I TRIO MUSIC ART DRAMA MEREDITH THOM .. This has been the week of the Stu– dent Art Exhibit, a showing of the year's work of the various art classes. Among those students whose work has beeno,_ exhibit~d · are. M~n"Y Emen,, _Nina' Smith, Betty Webb, Dale Todd, Betty Lou Mitchell, Herb Dean, Irma Coons, Tom Nelson, Benny Holland and others that are not known at the time of writ– ing. Works shown consist of eV"erything fi:qm,:~~~Wle§,d~-~r::Jt~~pig~,"t.g..-~he finished work of paintings. Next Monday night the Girl's Glee Club will have their program, preceded by the Men's Glee Club Program of last week. May 23rd will be the date of the Large Chorus Program, followed by Sammy Floyd's Recital the 24th. Com– pleting the musical programs of the year will be the High School Band and Chorus Program on the 26th of May and Bob Morris' Recital May 30. Not that I wish to pick on the Music Depart– ment alone, but it would make the last few weeks a little more enjoyable, if they weren't crammed with so many last minute activities. Now there are some things that naturally come at the end of a term, but this is not necessary in all cases. DoubtlesR the tradition of having this stampede of activities was started before there \Vas as much schol– astic demand on the students and the activities have grown, ever since. Writ– ing this column makes me aware of this situation more than ever. All during the school year you need some sort of mater– ial to write about and I can remember all too well that several weeks were ·without activities. Let's think it over. - - By the time you read this, Arkadelhia "·ill hnve seen what Harding College can do concel'Ding speech. If I couJd 11 you the out come of the Arkansas Speech Festival now, there wouldn't be much point in having the contest. I'd just "write-up" the out come and send mimiographed copies to the participating schools. Where would I rank Hard– ing? I don't know, but I do know that we are slipping with some pointers in Dramatics. When we aren't doing the talking we generally fall out of character, assuming we had one to fall out of, and just mentally wander. In other words we don't react to the actions and conversations of other people. I can see a reason for it towards the end of a long rehearsal, with our bodies bent .. .contrary to their normal form, but some \~ ~i'bf us start a rehearsal like it .was the ··- '...enrl . - ~ A little more courtesy at rehearsals would help. It's true that we're 99% ham and like to be in the lime light all the time, but let's make it a policy to share it. Consideration of the other per– son's time is another point, but I'll not go into it now. I'll just leave you with! the words of Franklin. "Do not squander' time, for that is the stuff life is mad~ of." [lrr. TRIO MUSIC ART DRAMA !f MEREDITH THOM rn., Today is your last c::hance to enter your painting in the First Annual White County Art Exhibit. Concealed talent brings no reputation so get that canvas out of your closet-! know it's there– and enter it today. Just walk down the high school hall and when you meet Mrs. Mason say "Here it is!" A valuable book among the 740's in the library is "Styles Of Ornament" by Alexander Speltz. The author being Ger– man, the first edition was in that lan– guage and since its success, it has been translated in English by David O'Conor. The 400 plates in which the several styles of ornament are illustrated con– tain a larger and a more varied series than any previously published book. Somewhat related is the new book "Symbols, Sings and Signets" by Leh– ner. The Music Faculty is to be congt·at– ulated for their new private voice re– citals. The third week recitals were helpful and were accepted by the voice students in an encouraging manner. Also, congratulations to Professor Cook, who was eleeted president of the vocal music section of the Arkansas Educa– tion Association. .. , The colleges represented at the Twelfth Annual Speech Festival were the host, Henderson State Teachers, Hendrix, Harding, and Arkansas. The high schools represented were Marked Tree, Paragould, Batesville. Arkadel– phia, El Dorado, Jonesboro, Harding, Malvern, and Little Rock. In my opinion the festival would have been helped considerably by more colleges partici– pating. Why weren't some of the other schools represented? Possibly because of the time, a little late in the school year. Then if the high schools li'ad a sepal'ate festival or if some type of primaries was held the quality of the entries and the entries as a whole would be helped. We are proud to say that the Harding Academy played on a level with the college entries but that couldn't be said of other entries. · -f.- -¥.· * Jack Plummer will soon begin direct– ing the play, "Mind-Set," a fantasy in one act. The scene is the mind of a young woman, trying to choose be– tween two suitors. The characters are Augusta, the girl, her Aunt Rella, and her two suitors, Joe and Prentiss. Others planning to direct one acts with– in the next few weeks are Pat Rowe and Benny Holland. Since I've found myself in the rut of closing with a bit of wit, excuse me Mary Ann, I'll try again. "It is neces– sary to try to surpass one's self always; this occupation ought to last as long as life." Queen Christina.