Run Lu&:us ptt161Jnts Jlm llheudllsil, LloydBri~Meredith Tho:rn in Jack Reynol~' ~ ~~= TRIO MUSIC ART DRAMA By MEREDITH THOM Since so many of us here at Harding: College seem to have so much ·spare time, I don't know where I got that idea, I thought I would offer a sugges– tion. Some have shown an interest in so called modern art and the same peo– ple might . be interested in finding out more about the subject. In the library is a new book, "A Primer of Modern Art" by Sheldon Cheney. First o:ii all the "primer" is an understatement so don't get the wrong idea. Portions of the book have appeared in "Theatre Arts", "Century", and "The New York Times" magazines. Among the many topics within the cover are Cubinism, Futurism, Expres– sionism, and The Changing Theatre. The book is also properly illustrated. Without any doubt, Harding College enjoyed the accomplished Joy Brown's violin concert. Although I liked the vio– linist and her music there was some– thing more outstanding. No one could have hoped for a finer audience than the one that gave Joy Brown three en– cores. I think that you are .to be con– gratulated for this small thing that means so much. Regardless of how good a performance is, an unappreciative audie:rlce can spoil it. Let's keep ~:mr slate clean because it means a great deal and simply requires an adult mind. "SKY· PODDER" _/1.._ w BENNY HoLLAND 'Dresents Ceclt.:May. Jr. James Maxwell Frank Davidson, Reid Bush in Verne PoweJ"S' "MINOR lfAC u The Academy is polishing up their three one act plays that are to be given in an evenings entertainment. The three plays are "Elizabeth", "Time For Every– thing" and "World Without Men". The all girl cast of "World Without Men" will journey to the state speech festival later in the school year. Two one act plays are now in the processing. They are "Minor Miracle" and "Sky-Fodder". Benny Holland is the director of "Minor Miracle", a drama of men against the sea. Half-crazed with .thirst, four men adrift in a life raft await death. By a series of emotional crises, the drama portrays the widely different character of each man, and the mental torment he endures. When all hope is gone, one by one, even the most skeptical, turn to prayer ... Then the miracle ?fcur!S. The spiritual, relig– ious angle is touching without being mawkish. Ruby Lee Ellis will direct "Sky Fodder", a mood in one act. Three men have crashed their airplane in a track- /less swamp; and as they struggle with the fear of death, the fear of being lost, and the fear of insanity, the play prog– resses from a calm note to a rising cres– cendo of intensity-with the overwhelm– ing discovery that-well, you see the play for the story. Both plays have re– ceived numerous honors and are con– sidered among the best one act plays. HONORABLE MENTION to the late Jo Davidson. After sculpturing every– one from John D. Rockefeller to Frank Sinatra he died, last w·eek at the age of sixty eight. At one time. Will Rogers described him as "the last of the human head hunters". •