Voices Off Stage By Eileen Snure By the time you get around to read– ing this column (at least I hope some– body is l'eading it !)-I expect to look and feel like a grease-spot-what with speech festivals, radio programs, and dramatic club meetings. HIGH SCHOOL SPEECH Tuesday night the high school speech class produced two radio plays in the auditorium for the Freedom Forum. These plays are the same ones we put on in chapel in the fall quarter. Last week we did the same program for the Kiwanis group. (At this writing three members of the cast are in the infir– mary, so I HOPE we will prodRce the plays.) SPEECH FESTIVAL ,,,;~.,~.,i;..:"l.:t~~ This yea1· the Arkansas Speech Fes– tival is being held in Litle Rock, and we a,re busy making last minute a.rrnnge– me:uls :tor 0lll' entries. I wish I could write that we did marvelously, and ob– tained several 'excellents' and 'super– iors.' I hope we can do as well, ·or even better, than the gr9up did last year. ONE-ACT PLAY ENTRY "Submerged"-clirected by Mary Lou Joh nson, will represent the college drama deprutment. This play was se– lecetd on several points, the two main ones were: (a) the production was well– received, and (b) the play itself is an excellent choice as far as festival ma– terial is c-oncerned. Good luck, JVeryAlpha Psi Omega To Meet Monday The Alpha Psi Omega honor· ary fraternity will meet Monday evening at 7:30 in the Semi· nar Room of the library, Grand 1 Director Don Garner has an- · nounced. The purpose of the meeting is to discuss the initiation ceremony, banquet, and candidates for the honors of best actor and actress, best character actor and actress, and best one-act play director. Rehearsals for the Alpha Psi play, "The Heiress" will begin· next wee!,, Evan Ulrey has an· nounced. April 21, 195_1 .. I ConcludingPerformanc~ .Toriigh~ Of Play _'Tomorrow The_:Wodd' Critic Gives Cast -- -~- ~ Good Review By Don Garner The first performance of the lyceum, "Tomorrow the World" was presented in the college audi· torium last evening, April .20, at 8:00 o'clock, under the direction of Eileen Snure. The play is to be produced again tonight, and tickets may be purchased at the door. Price for these tickets is 35¢ for students and 50¢ for adults. Curtain will be raised at 8:00. I In the role of Emil, Alfred Pet- t rich shows us that he has more ! talent than just singing and play. ing baseball. He was a little old for the part, and in some places he towered over all the other members of the cast- in size. However, he made us forget the fact in his excellent portrayal of Emil. Jack Plummer, remembered for 1 his hilarious characterization in ·"The Enchanted Cottage," does an outstanding job as Michael, col– lege professor. Charla Cranford, in the role of Leona Richards, plays the part of an elementary teacher. She has two very dif· ficult scenes, and these were played in a very professional manner. I Kay Cranford, a junior member of the cast, was imported from our own grade school. Kay was at all times the very amusing Pat. ~la;nJ a· 'A~h-,...fWQ"b"" :o,p __,.t_ of possibilities if she will work for them. Well-cast, she attained the climax of her performance in the third act. Meredith Thorn, also a fresh· m>u1. has one of _thP most expres– ~ li 1 Aipha Psi Omega Initiates 2Plegdes Patti Mattox and Mary Lou .Johnson were formally initiated into the A.1pha Psi Omega honor– :-~ry dramatic fratcl·nity Vv"eclnes– clay evening at the Mayfair Hotel. Pledges Mattox and Johnson fulfilled requircml'nts o.f the org11nization by being- outstanding, in the field of damatics and ::lirccting one-act plays. Both have leading roles in college lyceums md will appear in the forthcom– ing Alpha Psi play, "The Heir- : ess." A dinner was served in t:w Ter– mce Room at 6 p.m. Members it LlendlJ'Ig w1we Don Garner, Dl}cl_e 3myth, Aud1-ey MoGuJre, Eileen 3nUJ~~. Mrs.. Flm·ence Ca!.h.Catrt ·)t·. Jack Wood s~a.rs, D1·. Joe I ?.ryor, Mrs. \~. K. Summitt, lVlrs. J. N. Arrnsr..rang, Dean and Mrs. J L. t:. Sears, Bet.ty Ulrey, Betty 'l'ho1·nton, and Evan UJ.rey. Campus Players Announce Pledges Ten students have been offcrc• membership in Campus Playerf -Presidcnl George Snure has an nounced. If they fulfil p.1edge r£ q n it•e J11ents. uhey y.'ill be initiatec T hursday , May 31, <lit 4.:30 p.m. P ledges o1·e: Bermy Holland MNPd i-lh '!'hom. Ch<1 1"l~ Cranford Ste\e Shimonck. Ruby Lee Ellis Bill Summitt, Shirley Suddreth, Jack Plummer, Gerald Kendrick. and Sarah Copeland. Campus PlRyet's is composed of stuclt:'nts who have proved out standing in thf' Dramatic ·club in I aclin.Q; or bacl-:stagc work. Tht' · group sp()nsors four lyceum~ each year.