Alpha Psi Omega

'<f-.·. ..J> !;) ably assisted by: JOE PLYNT at the rwitclt board, EDITH .REEVES sup~roising th~ music, and MERLE CAR– KElT assisting oil the stage a·lld props. Durin1 uhttar– sals LILLIE WARREN and MA.YE WIDTE w•re prompters. Make up by REVERE. Presenting ''~pecial que~l'' 7ke Cast a Drama by Donald Elser Nora · "·~· ················..--··~· Edward ......................... Charla Cranford Gerald Kendrick fohn .....................- ··········-··---......... Sidney Horton Robert .. ........... ........ ... George Snure Elaine ......, ..• Glenavee Eubanks Program numbers will be announced. Produced by special arrangement with Row, Petermu and Company of Evanston, Illinois.