Alpha Psi Omega

~ta1t9a~iJ-tj Ry AI Turman Your hair has now tumed gray. You can still get around but only with the help of a hickory cane. The days have now hecotne long wilh nothing to do but sit mound and think how rapidly thest– long days are shol'tening yom· life. Your preferred company is your grandchild ren who come to visit you each day. You love to tell them about your college days. Ah, college life, social clubs, sp01'ts, ctate nights, homework, dramat– ics, rho-- he)·, SJH'aking of' dramatics, listen! Each year the Campus Players give several awards for different pbases in dramatics. These awards are given to the best actor, the best actress, and to the student directing the best one-act play. I'm sorry to say that the student who wins an awm·d doesn't get to keep it, for the plaque is to Le hung in the hall of, no, not fame, but the new Stu– dent Center. Who knows, maybe it will someday become the hall of fame. It would be well worth yom· time to win one of these awards to show your grandchildren when you tell them about your famous college days. I admit that the plaque will be violently extractect from you, but you can have a photo– static copy made which will be as much proof as your bil'th certificate is, since it is nothing but a photostatic copy of the original ctocument. Now, just as yom o1·iginal birth certificate is in the hanging in the hall of the student center capitol building, yolll' plaque will be here at Harding College. Ey the way, if your photostatic copy isn't proof enough for your grandchildren, they can make the trip to Searcy to see the origi– nal copy in a matte1· of minutes in thei1· new Atomic Plane. Listen, if you happen to be one of the lucky persons to win an award this yem·, it will be quite an accomplishment. .Mm·)· Lou Johnson, our best actress last year, didn't happen to be the only (acting') actress. Our best acto1·, Richard W.alke1·, didn't happen to be the only actor, nor was Betty Thornton, who was the win– ner of the one-act play di1'ecto1·'s award , t he onl.'r st1.1dent to diYoct a ))l~w. Tn fact, I could nil:t'tle do~en s M actl·esses, ado1•s, and dh·eetol's of one-act plays. Here at Baniing :'t on 'JJ f'i nd stiff competition 'in any one of these three phases of dramatics. Is it little woncter that a person should praise a plaque that he had won in the midst of competition with other 'kinds that had the same talent?. This year I would like to urge all of you to aim for the top. Be a star, and if you are a star, be a good one. All can't be actors, but some of the best of you can. If you don't get a good part in any play this year, don't feel let down, or . let your pride be hurt by it. If you real– ly want a part in a play, anct someone else gets it, don't quit the dramatic club. Ee a good sport about the whole thing, but if you really need som€one to tell your troubles to, please come to me. We'll tell our troubles to each other while building a play set. If you should happen to be a star, don't get too proud of your self. Keep the words of Will Rogers in mind, "It's great to be great, but it's greater to be human." By the time you 1·ead this, some of you should be in a play. The best of luck to you, and to all a good day. _ __,A.._ _ _ .• ~....,. -""-...,.-"'- "- V'-"V' ...,..~~~ ~tu1t9a~i~t9 By Al Turman After observing several groups of students this week, I have drawn some conclusions which, when I pass them on to you, will leave me in a very vulnerable state. l'd like to say something that mi~ht be of some eneoura.gen'\ent t0 the Dr~matic Club. The club isn't as hu·ge this year, not· is there interest sh0wn by stud~nts as thet·e ha.s been. in the pas t . I can't gh re th.~ r ea::;on behind this lack of interest or loss of membersh~p. but I would like to make a. f ew ·suggestions to th.e leaders of this. dramatic organiza– tion concerning the future. You can rest assured that Ute ml2m– bers we do have are mellilbers bet~uae thtE'y a re inte.rested in drnma. Ther efore, we will hnYr a vrry happy dnb t'hi~ year, because the secret of happiness Is not found in doing what we like, but in liking what we do. I feel that any stu– dent that will sacrifice several hours a day in order to be in a play is definite– ly interested in dramatics. Just because some of us may be a little discouraged about the small mem– bership does not mean that the club is going out of existence. You must admit that the club was organized for students interested in dramatics, for if the hand– ful of members are all the students that are interested in dramatics, then we should be happy rather than blue. As ~ng as we have ten members that are i·eally interested in acting, the Dramatic Club will remain on the campus. The only time the club will be in danger is when it becomes infested with members that don't give a hoot about acting. By the way, we have a lot more than ten members. I've talked a lot about the college Dramatic Club this year, but so far I have left out one very important group on the campus. I'm referring to the High School Dramatic Club. So far this year the high school hasn't put on any productions, but I'm sure the academy will bring us several good plays in the near futt1re. ' Last year was a very successful era for the Academy Dramatic Club. It won several awards for presenting the best one-act play, and those same plays won the high school a lot of respect from the college. I'm sure the high school will want to make the same accomplish– ments this year, and it can, but not until the students buckle down and get to work on some plays. Congratulations, Patti Mattox and Cliff Seawel! I was very happy to hear that you received the leads in "Enchant– ed Cottage." I am now convinced that the play can be nothing but an over– whelming success. There are only two thing~ about the play that have me worried. First, how are you going to do the scene of the dream sequence? Second, when are you going to find a night to present the production? Seeing that this is none of my business, I won't worry any more, but I will make sure that I'm on hand the first night to find the answer to my first question. I think I'll give the people who read this column a break next week. I'm going to look up a very intelligent pledge and have him write it, so ycm can be looking forward to a much better column next week.