'Little Women,' High School Play, Set{ \ For Two Performances February 17, 18 Above is a scene from the High School Senior Play, "Little Women," which will be given in The Auditorium Febru– ary 17 and 18. Left to right in the picture: Nell Young and Charla Cranford !standing) Jo Ann Pickens, Billie Beth Hill, and Patzy Grimmett. Curtain Time Eight O'Clock Botr Nights; Snure, Turman Direct Ann Pickens, Amy - Nell Young, Marmie . Billie Beth Hill, Father March-Ray Finnell, Laurie Law– rence~Andy T. Ritchie III, John Brooke . Conway Sexon, Fredrick A three-act p'lay, "Little Wo· Bhaer . Alfred Petrich, Pressie - men", sponsored by the high Ann Cunningham, and Aunt school seniors, will be pres~?nted March . Irene Frick. the 17th and 18th of this month Back stage work will be per– in the auditorium at 3 o'clock. formed by high school students. The setting of the play is during Miss Eileen Snure is director, as– the Civil War period,- and is a sis ted by Alfred Turman. simple family life-story centered . The price of admission is thirty– around the lives of four daugh· five and fifty cents. Tickets may ters while they are growing up. be obtained from high school stuThe all-high school cast consists dents. Seasvn tickets for college of: Jo March - Patzy Grimmett. I productions arc not good for this Meg . Charla Cranford, Beth- Jo play. __ _ ___ _ Last Showing Of "Othello" Tonight Tonight will be the J<!st show– ing of the fourth lyceum of the year, "Othello, the Moor of Venice." This tradegy by William Shakespeare is Harding's first attempt to produce any of Skake– speare's works. The cmting and directing was done by Bill Skill– man, head of the speech depart– ment. The cast features Keith Thomp– son as Othello, Betty Thornton as Desdemona, Richard Walker as Iago, Cliff Seawel as Cassio. Patti Mattox as Emilia, Victor Broaddus as Barbantio, Bill Wil· Iiams as Roderigo, Jeilnninc Hal– tom as Dianc~1, H<lY Ussery as Lodovigo, and Don Ga rncr a:; t!Ji.• Dul;;c. Outstanding in tlw production 1s Ihe staging and lighting effects. The performance will start at 8:30. Ticl<ets are 35c and 50c, and season tickets arc acceptabl<'. 10H C~ Students To Represent College At Speech Festival Play Entered Is "For All Eternity; Debate Teams Go Ten students will represent Harding College at the Arkansas State Speech F_estival to be held in Conway Apr. 26, 27, 28, and 29, it was annoul!ced this week. These ten will be kept going in • a whirl of event-after-event dur– ing the four days of the festival. The firsc group will leave Hard– ing Wednesday evening on the 26th. They will be the one partici– pating in the one-act play to be given in compe 'ion with other colleges. The play, "For All Eternity," was recently given on the campus. There will be one change in the cast. Bill Williams will be taking the part formerly played by Ed Gurganus, who will be unable to make Lhc trip. Others in the cast are: Betty Thornton, Die!< Smith, and" Mary Lou Johnson. Harding is entering five other events during the following three days of the meet. These events and the students participating in them are as follows: radio speaking, Victor Broaddus and Bob Morris; prose-reading, Mary Lou Johnson and Bob Morris; poetry reading, Betty Thornton and Roger Hawley; extempore speaking, Victor Broaddus and George Snure; and debating. ' Harding will enter two teams in the debate tournament which will be held the final day of the festival. The senior team will be composed of Keith Thompson and George Snure, and the junior team will consist of Bill Williams ~md Ponder vVI'ight. The vadous groups will leave each day of the day's particular activities and will relurn each evening. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ';aeu //ltd '?(J(J~ By Don Garner •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• I overheard a conversation the oth– er day that went thus: Wei!, do you ' think Willie Shakespeare turned over in his grave?", speaking about the recent Campus Player production of "Othello". The question was asked. by a very innocent person, but in a joking way. "No, I think maybe he s~,piled a little." was the answer tbe nenwn , •U• •Ull,Ul" lO[A~.L a;:>pJ.. 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