Alpha Epsilon Chi

ALPHA EPSILON CHI QUESTIONNAIRE 1. Name 2. Age Birthdate Hometown 3. Classification Major &Minor 4. Father's occupation Mother's occupation 5. Number of brothers Number of sisters 6. What occupation would you like your husband to have? What income bracket? 7. How large a family would you like to have. 8. Do you plan to find a husband while at Harding? 9. When do you want to get married? 10. Why did you come-to Harding? 11. Can you cook? 12. Have you ever bleached your hair? 13. What kind of date do you enjoy most? 14. Do you believe in going steady? 15. Would you consider dating me in the near future? 16. Were you ever on a diet? 17. How much did you lose? 18. What kind of music do you enjoy most? 19. What kind of movies do you like? 20. What are your hobbieG? 21. What is your favorite subject? 22. rNhat is your favorite corsage? 23. Give an opinion of the boy interviewing you. 24. Pledge, give your opinion of this girl. ..