Alpha Epsilon Chi

Activities 1971 - 1972 A pizza party culminated pledge week activities for AEX members and their pledges on rough initiation night. The third function was a Wild, Wild West Party at Joe Webb's Stables. Members and their dates relived the old western life 'in dress and refreshments. At Homecoming time club members hosted a breakfast for the alumni of AEX and enjoyed the fellowship with those who attended. As the holiday season approached, members and friends went caroling in the community. As a club project AEX members decided to place a board in the Student Center for sentance sermons. Every week there is a new idea placed on it. AEX spring banquet was held at Casa Bonita in Little Rock, with a theme of "AN ENCHANTING" EVENING IN OLD MEXICO." Dr. James Carr was the speaker, while Dan and Cheryl Hazel entertained with folkmusic.