Alpha Epsilon Chi

19'69 - 1970 The education of the Zambian people has been the main concern of Alpha Epsilon Chi this year. Following Dr. George Benson•s plea for educational materials, AEX went to work to collect used textbooks for Zambia Christian School. Boxes were placed in all dormitories and students were ask to donate books which they no longer used. the club then sorted, made list of, and packed allof the donated books. Dr. Benson then sent the much needed books to Zambia. The club members departed from the usual type Christmas Party for their December function. They celebrated the holiday season with a Chanukah Party at the Searcy Optimist Club. Refreshments were foods that the Jewish people eat at Chanukah, including cheeses and dried fruits. Other activities of the year ranged from measuring the length of coeds• skirts during pledge week to a spring banquet at the imHeber Springs. Dr. Bales was the speaker and Mr. Green presented a slide presentation of minature wildflowers as the entertainment for the evening.