Winnie Bell Going Away Party

Dear Winnie, 7 Overlook Searcy, Arkansas 72143 (501) 268-2818 June 12, 2007 I should be mad at you for moving my best friend to Tennessee, but we have been through so much together I cannot be mad. Who would have thought you could start out on a vacation to Colorado Springs and come home with a daughter. What a daughter she is! We made the trip without an air– conditioned car, too. Later you added three more daughters--Lynette, Gwen and Joann. Then there was the three-week trip up to Niagara Falls and Maine down the east coast all the way to Savannah and then home. Later we had planned a trip going over to Savannah, down the east coast to Key West, around the coast to New Orleans all the way to Galveston and then to Carlsbad Caverns, but we had so much fun that we ran out of time at Galveston and had to head home from there. How about the "infamous" trip where the car balked a few times--especially one time on a mountain in North Carolina along the scenic route. We spent the night in a cabin waiting to see a mechanic the next morning. I could just see us spending days there. However, the car revived and we made it home safely. I enjoyed all of our trips arranged through Cosmopolitan Tours including all of the Mystery Tours. What fun we had! Our BCP Club (Best Cooks Possible) or Bell, Birdsall, Combs, and Pace was a special time for me. We even survived our cooking. And there were the dinners after Mama Bell moved in with you and Mildred. What a dear she was. She was loved by so many, including me. I am so thankful and blessed by getting to know the Bell family--you, Mama Bell, Mildred, and Robert and Wanda and their family. You have enriched my life more than you can ever know and I love you dearly. Even though I will miss you greatly, I am happy for you in this move in your life. With love, e~ Edwina