Pryor Scrapbook Clippings, 1945-2000

• • PARAGOULD,ARKANSAS Vol. XI I February, 1974 No. 1 PRYORS WILL SPEA AT BEN-EFIT DINNER Mrs. Bessie Mae Pryor Joseph E. Pryor Third Annual Benefit Dinner sponsored by Women for Crowley's Ridge College wi II be on Tuesday, April 9, 7 :30 p.m. in the Cafetorium. WC RC chapters of the area will provide food for the meal. Tickets are $2.00 per person and may be purchased from members of local chapters or from Metta Moore. - - speake.r--s. for: the Quening mill be Dr ;and Mrs. Joseph Pryor of Harding College, Searcy. Mrs. Pryor will speak to the women and Dr. Pryor to the men. Mrs. Bessie Mae Pryor graduated from Harding College with a major in institutional management. She was editor of the 1946 Petit Jean Harding Colleg_e yearbook. She has sponsored a women's social club at Harding for 27 years. She has been a Brownie Scout leader for ten years. She serv_es _on th~ executive com– mittee of the Harding Elementary PTA;-she is a·member of Alpha Phi Gamma, national honor journalism society, and she is a past district director of Business and Pro– fessional Women's Club. Dr. Joe Pryor is Vice-President for Academic Affairs at Harding College. He holds the B.A. and B.S. Degrees from Harding College and the M.A. and PhD Degrees from Louisiana State University. He has been the · recipient of numerous awards among which are 20th Century Christian Educator Award, 1970; 25 - Year Certificate in Arkflnsas Higher Education, A.E.A., 1970; and Distinguished Yearbook Advisers Award, NCCPA, 1973. He holds membership in a number of honorary organizations. He is listed in. 11 Who's Who" in American Colleges and Universities, American Men of Science, and American ·Education. He has served as chairman of or president of many' professional organizations du.ring the years he has taught at Harding College. He is an elder in the College Church. Tlie Pryors are the pa1·ents o - urree Beverly Jo, Joseph Byron, and Susan Rebecca.