Pryor Scrapbook Clippings, 1945-2000
GREETING- Harding (;ollege faculty and staff started the 1975-76 coll~e year with a reception last week at the home of President and Mrs. Clifton L. Ganu•. Among the guests during the a1ternoon are President Emeritus and Mrs. George S. Benson who greet Dr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Pryor in the receiving line where the ho.sts received with other administrative officials. ( Photo by Mike James) Preside,nt. s, ~c£pti4n. honors~ staff Dr . and Mrs. Clifton t, . Ganus Travis Blue, Jack Wood Sears J r. welcomed members of the a nd Maurice Lawson and Misses Ha rding College faculty and staff Cindy Holmes and Edwina Pace. at their home Thursday. The l\l rs . 1<: d Land. Miss LaJuana reception annually opens the ne"' Case. Mrs'. Tony Felker. Mrs. college year. Ha rold Norwood . Miss Patti Receiving with .the hosts were. Williams, Mrs. Sandra Baugh, the vice presidents of the college Mrs. Jennifer Hurd , Miss Ruth and their wives , Dr. and Mr . Browning Mrs . David Henderson Joseph E . P r yor , Mr . and Mrs. and Mrs. Lart y Richmond served Lott Tucker, Mr . and Mrs . Bill R . the table from the familv room. Cox and Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Also assisting in the part y were Daniel. · Mrs. Kenneth Davis and Mrs. Greeting alternately during the Dadie Warren . afternoon were Mrs. Dale Gould, · About 300 guests called bet– Mrs. Riley Henr y, Mts Fred ween the hours of 3 and 6. Alexander and Mrs. Robert elsten. The serving table was covered with an Army-Navy cloth over yellow taffeta . A five-branch silver candelabra was used on the table, the center being filled ·with yellow roses. Mrs. Perry Mason , Miss Winnie Bell, Mrs. Bill Diles and Mrs. Herman Spurlock poured . Assisting at the table during the appoin ted hours were Mesdames James Brown, Cliff Ganus III, Jack McKinney, Dewey Shirley, Jlugh Groover, Dean Curtis, David Elhott, Jack Alston , Elsie Lynn , Ray Wright, J immie Clark, B. R. Barden, l . dea_n's group Dr. Joseph E. Pryor, Dean of Harding College, was elected president of the Arkansas Deans Association for 1975-76 at a meeting October 6-7 at Arkansas State University in Jonesboro. The professor also held the office in ·1961-62. Other officers of the group are Dr. Robert C. Anderson, dean of the college of arts and sciences at the University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, vice president; and · Dr. Jerol B. Swaim, dean of S~uthern Baptist College, Walnut / Ridge, secretary-treasurer. The meeting was held in conjunction with the Arkansas Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers at which Bruce Kellar of the University of Arkansas, ) Fa-y-e tteviile, .Lwa-;-ei~ct~d president. During the meeting Dr. Pryor 1 served as moderator of a panel I on "Presentation of Unique Programs." 1 Others from Harding attending 1 the meeting were Virgil Beckett, I registrar, Dr. Wyatt Jones, 1 William Wallace, Fred Alexander and Duraward McGaha. · I Dr.. Pry~~ a 1937 graduate of 1 Harding, Jomed the faculty in 1944 and has served as dean of the college since 1960. He was named vice president in 1972. In addition to being a member of numerous learned societies, he is national • I secretary treasurer of Alpha Chi, Recently he has been notified for 1 inclusion in Outstanding Educators of America, Who's I Who in America and the 1976-77 l edition of Directory international of Bi~aphies. \ \~?S; •
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