Pryor Scrapbook Clippings, 1945-2000

By Novie Mann . Dr. Jo~ Pryor will travel to Chicago this week to receive the ' Disti~nguished Yearbook Ad– visors Award for 1973 from the National Council of College Publications Advisors. For the past 29 years, Dr. Pryor has served as faculty advisor fQr the Petit Jean. The past fourteen of those years has seen Harding's yearbook receive the Associated College Press All– Ainerican Award. 'I bis, he feels, was the determining fact.or in his receiving the award . Before becoming eligible for the award, however, the advisor must be nominated. The nominees are then requested to fill out information blanks and write their philosophy of year– book advising. This Dr. Pryor did in the spring. At the first o: Oc- tober, he was notified that he had .won. · In his pbllosnpby, Dr. Pryor stated that the .-faculty advisor should assist the staff but not dominate it, since the rearbook is ·a student ·production. "The faculty advisor ·should help the editor to implement his ideas in keeping with the basic philosophy of the institution and the recognized · obje~tives of a yearbook," he wrote. ,He feels honored about receiving this award, and likes his part in the production of ~ yearbook. About his work, he said, "I just enjoy working with the students and turning out the book every year that I feel does a very fine job of showing life at Hardi~g." As a student at Harding, Dr. Pryor served as editor of the Bison· from 1934-38 and as editor of the 1937 Petit Jean. '!be N<XPA has also requested that Dr. Pryor serve as the council's chairman for District Five, which is made up of Arkansas, Missouri, and Illinois. 1be chairmen of the 10 districts Dr. Joseph Pryor photo by Pryor will also be announced at the meeting being held Nov. 2 at the Berghoff in Chicago. · Fowided in 1954, the NCCPA . holds its annual meeting in conjunction with annual meeting of the Associated College Press. 1be recipient of the 1971 award was Dr. Dario Politella, Universitl of Massachusetts, and last · year s winner was Charles Reynolds, Southern Methodist University. The Harding College Petit Jean and the Ouachita Ouachitonian yearbooks received All– American ratings yesterday at ·an awards . luncheon of the Arkansas College Publications Association in _Arkadelphia. • It was the 15th successive such rating .for tl}e Petit Jean, 'Yhich took the top award in Gen~ral Excellence and also won ftrS t place in photpgraphy anm.~ coverage and tied for first \ co~~achita placed second in \ general excellence_ and first in . concept. , Ken Ke.ndaU-Ball of Bula~~.o,,..."" I Rhodesia edited the 1974 edition, which was centered around the college'.s 5oth anniversary. Schools receiving a first class rating were College of . the Ozarks Henderson State College, State College of 'Arkansas and Southern State. ' Arkansas Tech aD4 ka . College re~ei ed 1st; Henderson 2nd; uac 1ta 3rd; SCA honorable mention. Copy - Harding and College of the Ozarks, 1st; OBU, 3rd; SCA 4th and SSC honorable mention; Display-Colle~ of the Ozarks 1st; OBU _2nd, Harding 3rd, HSC honorable mention. Coverage ~ · Harding 1st, Henderson 2nd, OBU 3rd, College of the Ozarks and SCA, honorable mention. Concept - OBU 1st, Henderson 2nd, Harding 3rd, College of the Ozarks and SCA · honorable menUon.