Pryor Scrapbook Clippings, 1945-2000
April 27, 1975 College Church of Christ 712 East R ace Avenue Searcy, Ark ansas 72143 James of Kennett, Mo., wh{). served as chief photographer {or the third year. Making the trip to Oklahoma with Dr. Pryor and ~tewart were Mrs. Jan Brewer of Athens, Ala., editor-elect; Debbie • Ganus of Searcy, feature editor; .Diana Denham of Hebron, Ky., club editor; Tim Bruner of Appletc,n, Wjs., sports .editor; Wayne Luallen of Libdsay, Ca., organization editor; Dwina · Whittle . of Henderson, class editor; Marlene Langston . of Taylor, Mich~, )JIDOf.reader and M'art1ymua Mel of ' · ville, Tn 1.tucllenQlife editor.. DISTINGUISHED ALUMNUS AWARD - Mrs. Joseph E. Pryor and her daughters, Beverly and Susan, accept a plaque from Harding Alumni president Dr. Marry Olree on behalf of Dr. Pryor, who was named 1974 Harding i .Distinguished Alumnus at the annual Black and Gold banquet J=-riday ni ght. · Dr. Pryor, dean of the college and vice president for Academic Affairs, is a 1937 graduate. (Photo by Mike James) /</1f of members -large elected at the final business meeting. He represented Alpha Chi, the na tiona1 honor scholarship society which he serves as ational .secretary-treasurer\ · ACHS is an association of [ ollege honor societies stressmi high academic achiev~ent for senior college and university 1 students either in the area , of . 1 general scholanhip oF in specialized ·fields. At this meeting '¥1 of the 48-member societies were repres~ted. Elected ·to meipbei:ship at the 1 business meeting was t 49th 1 soeiety, Gamma Theta psilon, [which is for students majoring in [geography. I The speaker fol', Saturday's \ banquet was Dr. Richard Lugar, immedia te past mayor of In– . dianapolis ~nd a candidate for the Unif,ed tea . from ndiana. · Dean PrY.or has been ith Alpha Chi b as Eta :.t.4Mllr ~r -e--,,.,,....,-"°'_ 1f!i/4; '1ft$ DISTINGUISHED ALUMNUS-Dr. Joseph E. Pryor, . left, vice president and dean of Harding College, was named 1974 Distinguished Alumnus of Harding College~ Dr. Harry Olree, president of the Alumni Association, presented the plaque. A 1937 graduate, Dr. Pryor has been a member of the faculty since ~944.
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