Pryor Scrapbook Clippings, 1945-2000
The Vol XVI • No. 3 February 1972 CHARACTER KNOWLEDGE SERVICE A Bi-Monthly Publication of York College, York, Nebraska DONE, IN '71 Progress always appears slow when one looks forward, but a backward glance at York College re– veals wonderful accomplishments through the years, thanks to the hundreds of friends throughout .the country who are maintaining a consistent interest in this Christian college. 1971 was a good year. True, financial pressures have mounted as is common to almost all, these days. In spite of rising costs, the combined efforts of all our friends, including, faculty, staff and students, have enabled us to make some modest gains financially and to continue the forward march of the school. Enrollment increased substan– tially over the previous year, and the attitude of the student body was re- ---freshing and _encouraging. A large percentage of the student body was enrolled in various Christian pro– jects, such as Campaigns for Christ and the Master's Apprentice Pro– gram. York College had the honor of hosting the Presidents of sister Christian colleges and also sponsor– ing a Workshop for Preachers. The Alumni Association and the Helping Hands organizations have been active in the expansion and acceleration of their programs fpr the support of the college. On the physical side, plans were concluded for a new 96-bed dormitory which is presently under con– struction. Furnishings for this building are peing pro– vided by members of the college Boards. A new gym– nasium was planned to replace the old structure which was taken out of service because of a storm, and $125,000 was procured toward the erection of the new facility. TO DO, IN '72 The old gymnasium is being razed and architects' drawings and specifications for the new structure have been completed. 1972 should see the erection of this splendid facility which will enhance not only the phy– sical education and athletic activities but the entire program of the institution. Hulitt Hall, which is the oldest building on cam– pus, will be renovated and remodeled to provide larger year program. and better facilities for the college bookstore, post office, offices and classrooms. The two old metal buildings on campus which were brought in 30 years ago as "temporary" will be re– moved, and campus expansion and landscaping will continue. York College faculty members continue to improve their qualifica– tions through graduate work, and committees are active in the study of the curriculum and future growth, including the possibility of a four– As the numerous problems of higher education are evidenced throughout the country, York College is pleased that a strong Christian faculty and staff, with enthusiastic and congenial student relationship, can continue to instill moral and spiritual values within the framework of a fully accredited · institution of hig her learning. by Dale R. Larsen • .
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