Pryor Scrapbook Clippings, 1945-2000

I • • • I-Searcy (Ark.) Daily CITIZEN, Thurs., Oct. 11····:i·~~~~-i-··tb;···i:::·:······-:111i ~!~_;.: '· '.. :>:il.llll§ll. ;~@s·~wl·1· .. .: . Bill . M odisette@of Among those attending funeral , Shongaloo, Louisiana, Mrs. · services for Lonn ie E. Pryor \ Orville Smith and Mr. and Mrs. Tuesday afterno.on , was his 92 - Dale l>unn of · Springhill, year-old brother, J. M: Pryor, of I Louisiana, Mr. and Mrs. Archie Emerson. The services were Dee Wynn and Mr. and Mrs. conducted at 2 at the College Alvie Sewell of Emerson, Mr. Church of Christ. and Mrs. Glen Sewell of Houston, , Texas, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Mr. and Mrs. 'Randy Garrison Williams of Shreveport, of Box 481, Bald Knob, are the Louisiana and H.B. Sewell of El parents of an eight pound, three Dorado attended ftmeral services ounce son born Wednesday, / for their uncle, Lonnie E. Pryor October 11, at White County Tuesday afternoon at the College Memorial Hospital. Church of Christ. Mr. and Mrs. Daner Sewell of I Ernest Neal visited Mr'. and Emerson attended funeral . Mrs. Jack Stewart at New Hope services for her brother., Lonnie I Saturday. E. Pryor. The services were conducted Tuesday at 2 p.m. !:}t the College Church of Christ. Miss Paula Taylor of Searcy . pledged, Chi Omega Sorority at Arkansas State University, Jonesboro. Mr. and Mrs. Cleo Sorrells of Greenville, Mr. and Mrs. Kay Cavin and Mrs. Ollie Landiss of Kansas City came to Searcy Tuesday to attend funeral ser– vices for Lonnie E. Pryor. The services ·were conducted at 2 p.m. at the College Church of Christ. •r - Sea~cian _euloglzecl 1 at services · -l>r. l.. C. Sears led in prayer/ and spoke brie0y of his friend of 40 years. "I was always im- ' pressed with his gentleness, his Funeral services for Lonnie E. p tience and his good Pryor, professor emeritus at j gement," he said. H~rding College, ·were held at 2 ~ eulogy was delivered by p.m. Tues~ay_ at the College Hardini President c. L. Ganus. I Church .of Christ where the oc- He spoke of his first acquain– togonar1an had served as an tance with the teacher whose eld~r for ma~y years. A l~ge respect for courtesy extended to audi~ce of f~1end~ _an~ rela!1ves I include his referring to world ! from the community, throughout r I leaders_ a~,,"Mr. Hitler•: and "Mr. Arkansas and other states , Mussolm1 . He mentioned Mr. !~spoke the high esteem in which ' 1 Pryor's commitment to Christian lhe was held. principles and said, "I never A chorus directed by Dr. ~ I heard him say an unkind word Kenneth Davis Jr. sang "God about anyone. I would have Moves in a Mysterious Way," been glad to call him my father.", "When Peace Like a River " Dr. Joseph E. Pryor rendered a I· 'Yes for Me for Me He Careth'" f mily tribute, relating some of and .:Abide With Me:" ' his father's life as a South James Woodroof, minister of Arkansas pioneer, as an educator I the College Church, read several an~ as a p~triarqh. "Of all thee passages of scriputre, favoriJes chums I m1ght,,ever have made of Mr. Pryor, all of which ~bout myself, he concluded, exemplified the life of service be the _greatest one would be to had lived. have it said 'he was the son of Lonnie Pryor'." Dr. George S. Benson closed the service with a prayer. 111E HAllDING BIION, ,, An. , Pre-school fdc;ulty-brat pedals past dean• in trike · heat ·· n..w and Vl....n Y - i4ea of stucleatl, repre III tllNe of 1111 •trill In Dr Joe Pryor aeadem~ clean, ~ J>uaer, tile tiny son of faculty member Geae. .........., •..- --~~r, '.Dt Joe's tri ke eo 1lapaell from ncealn,.... ,.._. ~Y nlpi/s ftnt umual Trlcyele Raee, a special faculty event of Tract and Fleld ~ tbe ~.._aun ....... Deu, er. _ PHOToe av aNNY .,... aare. He COIIUIMllted, "All that power daerloratei ltl" little Ropr 0uaer Pedaled to ,,_,.,., put pa..-~