Pryor Scrapbook Clippings, 1945-2000
·nr. -Jo~~ph - E: P;yor, - head of the chen1istry·ctepartment at Hard– ing . College, ' has _ be_en elected to membership on .the_'committee on pberal A rt s • Education of the N<frth ·.central As'sociation· of -Col– ~eges ahd :$econcfary Schools . for the , year, 1952-53. ·· Dr. ·Pryor will attepd the · annual rrieetin.g of the committee in Chicago,:April 2 and ~- . . ' . : -T~e . <,ommlt~ee. on ,Liberal Arts . ~ducation . operates -u·n de r the ·commission on .R e s.e· a r c h and -~ilvice of \the Associa~ion. It is ~oriducting·· a . st u· d y conc~rned With orientation · and ·· appraisal of new trends . in .higher • education. ·The study is a coope.rative·. enter– prise .among liberal°_arts colleges £nd is financed· in part - by a grant irom the 'Carnegie Foundation. ,._ Members of the committee are ·leaders in liberal art~ education ·among ·colleges in the North Cen– ·tr'al territory. Dr. Russell M. Coop- 1er, of the University . of Minneso– _ta; is C?airman, and Dr. Clarence Lee Furrow, Knox College, Gales– burg, Ill., is c\irector of study. H rdtng College has participat– ed if!. studies and workshops spon- I s?red by the committee tl}e past I 1x years. - ·· _,, ~ , I , J I . ' . Dr. Joseph Pryor, 1301 East Market, has been re-el~ted presi– dent · of the- Hardipg · olldge Alurpni Association. · _ . .. , Vil~gil La,wye1', Ke_n~ett, .Mo., has been elected 1st vj,ce president, .Vr. Adi-:ain FormQy, ' 914 East :Market; 2hd vice px:esident, ' and Ernmett Smith, · ·president of Crowley Ridge Academy, Para- gotHd, 3rd vice president. · Ofticers of the assbciation were installed at the annual · Alurruti Lun·cheon ~eld in 'the . college cafeteria Commencement day, May ·31. They ' will serve t\v-o :yeai·s. ~~~":"!'"""-------7""':""'~--- QUEEN ASN-_-Dr. Joe Pryor crown,ed Mi'§·s Ann Thopips~n, freshman- business major from Decatur, Ala., queen .of tI:e in– tramural Bison All-Star Football game ~t' Hard,ing Coll~ge last . night. Miss Thom:gson is a member of the .WHC social club. ~ er attendants were Misses Jane Wade, Little Rock, Gwen Turbyf1ll, Springdale, Shirley :Venable, .Morrilton, and- Loretta lcl'nho~ l',exarkaua · • ~------- ·· · - ~RqY, ARKANS/o'S, WEDNESDA~. NOVEMBER 20'. 1957 .. _.......-....... HardingMan GetsNCAPost Searcy-Dr. Joseph E. Pryor, head of 'the chemistry department at •Harding College, has been elected !l~j;li::/fi#i:it'''"''::::t::\{:: 1 ll::\\\~~\;ll ?}e ~tmcl~!i Dr. Joseph E. Pryor, ·Harding ··· ·:::::} ~ r t s Education chemistry and physics department \ Jf the N o r th . head returned from Chicago yester– / ~entral Associa- day 'where he has been in session 10n of Colleges . . . ;nd S e c o ndary with the Comnuttee on Liberal Ar~s chools ·for the Study of: the North Central Assoc1- ear 1952-53. Dr. ation under the Commission on Re- ;- , r y o r will at- . h d 8 • md the annual searc an ervices. 1 e e ting of the Pryor was one._ of three faculty ommi ttee in members selected from some 115 . ..... ~hicago, Wed- h' d nesday and Thursday. . colleges participating .in t 1s stu y j The committee operates u n d e r program. Pryor .was chosen for the the Commission on Research and • second straight year last spring to , Service of the association. It is serve on 1 this committee. I conducting a study concerned with · 1 orientation -and appraisal of new This is one of three committees trends in higher educ~tion. . The in the North Central As~ociation. study is a co-operative enterprise . The other two concern colleges and among liberal arts "colleges and is , financed in part- by a grant from universities and· secondary schools! the Carnegie Foundation. ,. ·Perry Mason, high school superin- Members of the committee are tendent, . has also been hi Chicago leaders . in liberal ·arts education . working in connection with accred– ·among -colleges in the north <:entral iting the Academy in North Cen– territory. Dr. Russell M. Cooper, of the Univer$ity of .Minnesota• .is tral. · \ chairman, and Dr. Clarence Lee Furrow, Knox College, Galesburg, m., iJ director of study. Harding College has participated in studies and workshops ~nsored by the committee the past six ye~rs. . ( J ~~ITI_ZEN, Fri.y., ·Ma. Pryor to assist colleges -in LAS pro,gram , Dr. J.oseph E. P1ryoc., Deian of _, Hardtng College, left today to visit colleges in Ohio, Wdscm– sin and Iowa as a Oo101rld 1 ina:to:r in 'the LlbClia[ AJrts 1 Study Pro– . of .the Centrafl As– sdcialtioJ11 of Calilie'ges mud: Sec– ondairy &hoo1s. Dr. Pryor will spen'd on€ day on the campuses assisting the faculty in varfous studlres• beling undertaken. The colleges includ· ed awe Mhlatidi College, Ai,h- 1and, 0.; Mitcm Colillege, Mil– lon, '· Wise.; War,t.bu_rg College, 1 Walv-erly, Ia., -and Upp 1 e:r Iowa 1· Uniiversity in Wa:Vetly. 1 The dean is in his second, three-yeair term •als a c0ior:d:ifna– tor. The complete committee which Pryor . served on is made up of several members. The presidents of the colleges combine ·and select one member and the North Central As– sociation provides the other three. Evan Ulrey, professor of spee h i and head of the department t Harding College, took over as presi– dent of the Harding Alumni Assoc– iation at the group's annual business meeting graduation day. .., As his first official act he present– ed a ·present from the Association to retiring president Joseph E. Pryor, .professor of physical science and head of the department. Pryor serv– ed three successive terms. Other officers installed were vice presidents, Jimmy Allen, BA '52, of Magnolia, Norman Hughes, BS '54, I of Atlanta, Ga., and Wyatt Saw- I yer, BA '15, of Houston, Tex. Ulrey, BA '46, _holds the MA and I Pp.D degrees in speech from Louis- 1 ,, iana State University. He is married to the former Betty Thornton, BA '52, of Sheridan, and they have two daughters, Ann, 3, and Bonnie Beth, 21 months. The Ulreys live at 92 E. Center. -= ::.;q:. ---
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