Pryor Scrapbook Clippings, 1945-2000

HARDING COLLEGE , Sea rcy, Arkansas ''Let's talk summer school · with 'Dr. Joe: .. " The Harding College um Petit Jean yearbrook has been eom– pleted . and all copy ha, . been submitted. to the. publ hers, according to .Editor . Larry Stewart of Corunna, Mi . 'lbe publication was taken to Oklahoma City over the .weekend by staff members and Dr. J. E. Pryor, faculty advisor. 1be book, which has been named an All– American publication for the past 12 successive y~, will be released to .the . studen in ceremonies in the. c 1191 Tuesday, May 2. Dr. Pryor said tbe .p has undergone re«g and that emphasis has the new trend in capt national scene in y and design. He praised an excellent staff. ho met all deacDinel during th, . year of comfllinl tbe book. . Pryor- al com– pliment the photographer Mike James of Kennett, Mo., who se"ed as chief photognlptler for third year. Making tbe trip to Oklatioma with Dr. Pryor and Stewwt w Mrs. Jan Brewer of AtlMQI, Ala editor-elect; oey,ie ~ Searcy, feature ..Utor; Diana Denham of Hebron, Ky., club editor; Tim Bruner of Appleton, Wis., sports .editor; Wayne Luallen of Lindsay, Ca., organization editor; Dwina WhltUe . of Henderson, claH editor; Marlene LanDtGn . of Taylor, ., mlDfr·ealler and Maril;nmi Mein ash- . ville, Tn. ltudent