Pryor Scrapbook Clippings, 1945-2000

Searcy, Arkansas 72143 May 31, 1970 Meet Another New Elder Joseph E. Pryor lives at 924 E. Center. He was born in Melber, Ky., March 19, 1918, and was baptized in the spring of 1933. He was married to Bessie Mae Led– better on August 16, 1946. They have three children: Beverly, Jody, and Susan. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Pryor P r y o r and his father has been an elder or" the col- Joseph Pryor lege church for many years. Brother Pryor attended Arkansas Christian College elementary school for his first year of school. He grad– uated from the Campbell (Missouri) High School in 1933. He received both the B.A. and B. S. degrees from liar– ding College in 1937 with majors in mathematics and chemistry, the M.A. and Ph.D. degrees from Louisiana State University in 19·39 and 1943 with majors, respectively, in mathematics and physical chemistry. He held teaching and research fellowships at L.S.U. and taught two years as in– tructor in mathematics before joining the Harding faculty in March of 1944 as chairman of the Department of Physical Science. He was appointed Dean of the College on June 1, 1960. At the college he has worked close– ly with students in various activities. He has served as faculty advisor of The Petit Jean and sponsor of the TNT Club since 1945. He also served as sponsor of the Alpha Honor Society ~everal years before it became a chap– ter of Alpha Chi in 1957. He was president of Alpha Psi Omega from 1945 to 1950 and has served as AIC Faculty Representative since 1958. Also, he served on the Camp Wylde– wood Board for a few years. He has held several leadership posi– tions in higher education such as chairman of the Central Arkansas Section of the American Chemical Society; president of the Arkansas Dei:-artment of Higher Education, the Arkansas Deans' Association, and the Arkansas Intercollegiate Conference; coordinator for the North Central As– sociation Committee on Liberal Arts (Continued on Page 2) CHURCH CALENDAR Brother Al J oily is away in a meet– ing at Sylvan Hills, where he preached for eight years. At the two morning services at 8:15 and 10:45, Bro her Evan Ulrey will speak. At the 4:00 p.m. service at the church Brother Ray Muncy will be the si;eaker. Brother Billy Ray Cox will preach the baccalaureate sermon, at the main auditorium, at eight o'clock. The speaker at the seven o'clock service on Wednesday night, June 3, will be Brother Jimmy Allen. HARDING COLLEGE , Searcy, Arkansas "Let's talk summer school with 'Dr. Joe: .. • II