Pryor Scrapbook Clippings, 1945-2000
states, from Massachusetts and · Florida in the East to Callf– ornfa in theWest. All ten chapters in Arkansas colleges were re- presented. . During · 1970, three additional regions were organized - the Southeast, the Mid-west and the Ohio Valley, bringing the mun- · ber of regions to ~ve. During the past year 17 new chapters have been added, bringing the total to ~.12 in 33 states and Mexico. Mexico. Harding's B~lles ·and Beaux presented a showcase as thepro– gram for the banquet on Friday. I f I • Sixteen delegates from the Ar- 0 0 IC e kansas Eta .chapter at Harding ai. _ Dr. Joseph E. Pryqr, dean of tended. Since its·organlzation in · Harding College was re-elected 1957, the chapter has been rep- : ·. to the National ,Cowicil of Alpha resented through one· or more Chi national honor scholarship number~ on each annualprogram society and to a four-year term and several ~ve been recipients · L -t urer at the of scholarships and fellowships as secretary reas . . National meetingheld in Memphis awarded. by ~e National Council last weekend. Other offices re- and Regum Il of Alpha Chi. elected were D~. Edwin W. Gas– ' too Jr., p~esident, and Dr. J~ss • G. Cawes-. vice president. Dr. · Gaston is professor of English DEAN'S DELIGHT-Harding Dean Joseph E. Pryor gets • smack from Miss Diane' Hoagland, editor of the 1969 Petit Jean which was dedicated to the dean, in yesterday's presentation of the student yearbook. The brown INther pubUcation, distributed to the student body following the ceremonies, has. fol'. a theme 11 The~ f... a~• of fiar,ling 9 • 9..'' _ at stephen F. - Austin-S~- Uni– versity, Nacogdoches., T~, and , Dr. Cawes is profe e tory at Trinity Uni Antonio, Tex. Among the 192 del' national meeting we atives of 57 c The 1969 Petit Jean, the Face them as dean. President Clif• . ~ of Harding, was dedicated to ton L. Ganus received the second :J?ean of the College Joseph E. copy. · ~ror at presentation ceremon- Other secrets revealed in the ies't esterday. Withholding the brown leather Petit Jean~ a pub– information from Dean Pryor, lication which has been rated All.; faculty -sponsor of the yearbook, American for the past eight sue– was regarded as one of the most cessive years, includ~ an– difficult tasks of the year, Miss councement of Miss Donna Deap,. Diane Hoagland, editor, told the son of Rogers as Petit Jean audiepce. Dr. Pryor has served Queen. She was escorted by John the college 25 years, nine o! Buck. Her attendants were Miss Sheri Tipps, of Fort Worth, • escorted by Darrell Chitty, and Miss Judy Worth of Richardson, Texas, escorted by Jerry Muir..
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