Pryor Scrapbook Clippings, 1945-2000
aul Harvey To Address Oi:h Anniversary Dinner Paul Harvey, famous ABC adio news commentator was elected recently as the main peaker for the Columbia Chris– 'an College 20th anniversary anquet to be held at the Shera– n Motor Inn, Portland, on ay 20th. Columbia Christian College Harvey's topic will be "A Message For America's Busi– :-V-;-o-:-lu_m_e-:X-;l::I:--,-:N-:-um--:-be-r--=IV:-:------------A-p-r-il-,-_ 1 - 9 - 6 - 7 nessman." The col~ege has invit- ......,...;.;.;~_.;..=.:....;....;..;;;.;:.:.:.:;;;.::.:....:...:.___________ ..!...!E~~~ed numerous busmessmen and Dr. Wayne l-lertz to Direct 200 Voice Acappella Chorus May 6, at 8 :00 p. m. in the Benson high school auditorium, Columbia Christian College will sponsor a Spring Sing involving six colleges and Dr. Wayne Hertz. Dr. Hertz is the chairman (l.f the department of music at Cen– tral Washington State College and is nationally known as a choral conductor, adjudicator, and authority in the field of music education. Dr. Hertz re– ceived his Bachelor's Degree from the University of Illinois and a Master of Music Degree at Northwestern University. He also holds the Doctor's Degree from New York University. Dr. Wayne Hertz Before co::ning to Central Pacific, as well as Columbia. Washington State College in The Sing will include acap- 1938, he was vocal music su- pella music from the Renaissance pervisor in the West Aurora age to contemporary. There is Public Schools in Aurora, Illi- an expected audience of 1,000 no1s. people for the 150 to 200 par- He organized the Central ticipants. Each school is asked Singers and has been touring to bring 20 singers with an equal friends of the college to share in the celebr:ation of twenty years of service in Portland. Between 500 and 700 people are ex– pected to Jorn in the program and hear the renowned Paul Harvey. Paul Harvey Paul Harvey, natio!lally ac: claimed and dynamic news an– alyst, was voted top "Commen- nation's most prominent com- tator" and "Man of the Year" panies. WHO'S WHO amends in 1963 in a poll taken by New its fisting of Paul Harvey each York's Radio-Television Daily year to keep pace with his of over 600 critics across the mounting achievements. He is the author of three books and a country. Paul Harvey has already three - times - a - week newspaper been awarded seven honorary column, and he has made three doctorate degrees, six Gold (Continued on page 3) . Medals from Valley Forge's-----------– F reedoms Foundation and num– erous Veterans and American Legion citations including the 1965 Fourth Estate Award and the first annual Colonial Ameri– can Award { 1966). His home state, Oklahoma, elected him to its Hall of Fame in 1955, and the entering of 42 of his broad– casts into the Congressional Rec– ord has set an all-time high. He also received the "Salesman of the Year" award in 1965, an honor from the National Asso– ciation of Direct Selling Com– panies representing 1,500 of the Chorus Tour with them throughout the north- number of students in each sec- ------------- Thirty-seven students, Paul Piersall, ·and Don Boyce recent– ly completed a 2500 mile chorus tour. This past tour proved to be somewhat more interesting b_e– cause of the failure of the college diesel bus in Redding, Cali– fornia. The chorus chartered buses, borrowed church buses, and relied upon the help of sev– eral church members to transport the group from Sacramento to Stockton. Many students were contacted concerning the impor– ta!'.Ce of Christian education. The chorus was received very well at every singing engagement with such comments as, "We didn't realize that such quality and such an outstanding job could be performed by students from a small Christian college." west for 29 years. tion of soprano, alto, tenor, and This is the first program bass. The combined chorus will its kind sponsored by Columbia. then be directed by Dr. Hertz. The program will ir!ude Mult- Mr. Paul Piersall, head of no:nah College of Bible, North- Columbia's Music Department, west Christian College of Eu- stated the purpose of this sing as gene, Bible Standard of Eugene, ( 1) to afford our students the Judson Baptist, and Warner opportunity of working under a ADVANCEMENT nationally-known choral conduc– tor, ( 2) to bring the outstand– ing music students of our schools together in a program that will exemplify to the public the qual– ity of music that can be pro– duced by our schools. •
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