Pryor Scrapbook Clippings, 1945-2000

ARKANSAS POLYTECHNIC Dr. Joe Pryor, Dean Harding College Searcy, Arkansas Dear Dr. Pryor: CouEGE Russellville • 72801 February 16, 1967 I understand your position perfectly. I was in Aus·tin several years ago for a meeting that lasted a full week, at the close of this meeting the president of one of the Texas sch~ols approached me with an offer to exactly double my salary if I would move to Texas. It took only a moments reflection for me to realize just how firmly I was anchored here. I would like you to know that it took us about two hours to agree on a limited but broad criteria that would serve as a guide line for the selection of a president. It was Dean Crabaugh who pushed his chair back with the remark, "I know of only one man in this state or any other state for that matter who fits the description we have just given but, I realize it would be wishful thinking to think we could· move him, Joe Pryor at Harding." This brought out some of the nicest comments I have ever heard from Dr. Merrill, John Tucker and I am sure you have long known of the high esteemed love for your institution and for you personally. I acted entirely on my own. There are some attitudes that your students have that under proper leadership could be developed here. There is an area of Science and Technology almost untouched that could be developed with the understanding and philosophy of one whose training lies within this area. So the search goes on. Good men already have good positions and must be sought out. There was a time o:f "dog eat dog" at the state legislature. The co-ordinating committee for Higher Education has removed that, so the politically motivated back slapping, . horse trading, type of leader is no longer needed. Our own president bas changed with the demands of his j ob and we all regre t that he is retiring. I have my bid in to return to full time teaching. I may have to carry on one more year until everything settles down needless to say I am looking forward to it and especially to the possibility of having time for self improvement.