Pryor Scrapbook Clippings, 1945-2000
Dr. Joseph Pryor, dea~ of Harding College, is among 27 Arkansans who will Plake their debut in the 33d edition - of "Who's Who ~ ~erlca," pub– lished this · week, · Dr. 'Pryor, who ~as been pro• . Jessor . of physical science and ' chairman . of the depattment since 1944 at Harding College, is listed in ·two other nationa1 1 publications: "Who's Who in ~erican Men of Sci nee'~ and "Who's Who in American Ed– uoation :vf the Souftw~st.'' He becam dean of ~ding Col- leg-e·'in 1960.- J Dr. Pryor receiv~d his B.A. in mathematics and B.S. in I chemistry from Harding College in 1937. He received . the M.A in mathematics and the .Ph.D. in physical chemistry from Lou– isiana State University. ~: The Harding dean is pj"-esent– ly serving as a coordinator of the Liberal Arts Study group of North Central Association of Co~leges and Secondary Schools and· as secre~-treasurer of ,, Region II of Alpha Chi. He is · ,~ also · a ·. faculty representative' - for the _Arkansas IntercoJlegiate Athletic Conference. ' He is a fellow in the Ameri– can Association for · Adv a nce– ment _ of Sc~ce, .the Arkansas Ed~c~tion ··Association, the Nat.– ion~ Education Association, Sig ma Xi, Phi Kappa Phi, Alpha Chi, Alpha Psi .Omega, Sigma Delta Psi, Alpha Chi Sigma, Phi Lambd~ Upsilon and Kap pa Mu Epsilon. _. _ !~e -~tau.c;,lard refere!1ce work of . "Who's Who in America" :hich_ contains thumbnail bio– raph_1es of. noted persons, now cnta\fls 58~ listings, 9,000 0 Jem _n.ew. Only three in 10 ooo ·mer.icans .ar.e represented.' Dr. Pryor is married to thQ ,'rmt'r Bessie Mae Ledbetter'" hey h:i~ Jhrt'e ch 3il 1 WH0 1 s ·Wffo 1 · Bclition , . . . . . I - 1 enty-seven rkansans will mak~ their de~ut in t~e 83d edition of "Who's Who in Amenca," published this week. The standard reference work of thumbnail biographies · of noted persons now contains 58,000 listings, 9,000 of them new. Only three in 10,000 Americans are represented. The Arkansans join the com– pany of such persons as El vis Jameson Jr. of Magnolia, Re– Presley, "pop'_' painter R.oy F. publican national committee– Lichtenstein, all the ne w se na- wo man from Arkainsas; Mrs. tors, two presidential aides and Julia Palmer Howaro of Pine ,several.foreign dignitaries, fr 1 '>m Bluff, head librarian of Arkan– government people to film mak- sas AM and N College; Jo~plt ers .and entertainers. E. Ptyor of Harding College at • • 1 Searcy, and James R. Crowe, 1'() From Little Rock ' a Stuttgart businessman. Ten of the Arkansans are - from Little Rock. They include _ City Manager Ancil M. Douthit; Mrs. Dorothy May _Orsini-, a lawyer; Raymond H. Rebsa– men, businessman and philan– thropist; Reeves E. Ritchie, president of Arkansas Power and Light Company; Don W. Russell, head of the Arkansas Rehabilitation Service; Dr. Win- I ston K. Shorey, dean of the Vni- 1 versity of Arkansas Medical · School; United States Attorney Robert D. Smith Jr.; Dr. H~r– old I. Woolard, dean of Little·, Rock University; federal Judge ' Dean Joseph E . Pryor of Har– ding College will be visiting two Illinois institutions this week in , the role of Coordinator in the North' Central Association Stu– dy on Liberal Arts Education. Dr. Pryor will visit Illinois Wes- 1 leyan University af Blooming– ton, today and Greenville Col– l~ge, Greenville, on Tuesday, February 11. Dr. Joseph E. Pryor dean 'of Harding College, . and Virgil Beckett, registrar, were in Mag– nolia yesterday and tt>day· at– tending the Arkansas Deans As– soeiation and the Arkansas As– sociation of Collegiate, &gis· ti:-ars and Admissions Officers. The annual meeting was con– ducted on t~e them State Col– lege· camp , . Beckett is presi– dent of the Registrars Associa– tion. 'fhe North Central Study on Liberal Arts Education is a co– operative organization of 82 col.: 1eges and universities i n t h e North Central Association area. The program is designed t o help institutions improve. var– ious aspects of their educ3tion– a1 programs. This is accomplish– ed_).)y coordinators who visit l!?·r:vor. · .:,, ~ -·· ; 1~ ....... L!.c G6rdon. E. Young, and Associ- Searcy {Ark.) Daily CITIZEN, Monday, Feb. ate Justice James E. (Jim)' t-----,,----=----~--; Johnson of the state Supreme the,· campuses ei:)ch Year, b""y Court. su:romer workshops at . which Other Arkansans facµIty representatives from the Other Arkansans included ·are p~rticipating schools attend; by James .w Cady of Ouachita m~intaining a flow of ideas_an~ Baptist ·college at Arkadelphia; information through the ''North Oscar · Fendler, a Blytheville Central News Bulletin" and an lawyer; Alger E. Burdick, ada- t'Xchange of institutional studies ·demic. dean of Arkansas State Teac·hers College at Conway; and by means of a central of- •. Rev. Abner R. Re.ddin, president fice to coordinate these activ~- of Central Baptist College at. t!es, Each college has a local Conway;, Bruce K; Brown of El stm;ly committee which works 'Dorado, chairman of the boa rd on · some particular problem arul Executive Committee of the Murphy Oil Corporation; Paul each year. Cranford McDonald of El Do- As a coordinator, Dr. Pryor rado, president of Murphy Oil ~erves in carrying ideas from · ~~~P~~t!t~; M~~'s .S:~t · me institution to another· and O'Connor Jr., vice president, Pryor, Sunimitf n helping the local stuq.y 'com- . secretary and general counsel 1ittee with its program of in- for Murphy and an El Dorado attend meet titutional study. J.awyiil"; Br-ig. Gen. Teddy Hol- During the month of March, lis .Sanford, commander of Fort Cha£fee; United States Attorney Dean of Harding College, Jo Dr. Pryor will visit Sterling Col– Ch~rles Mitetht:11 Conway of Fort seph E . .Pryor and Dr. W. K. lege,· Sterling, Kansas, .F ~-rt S~th; Heartsill Ragon, a Fort 1 Summitt chairman of the Grad- Hays State College, Hays, _Kan- Sm1th lawyer; Lloyd Spencer o ' ., d S · t M f th Pl · Hope;. ~ ua te Council and director •o, f 8 ~.~ an am ~ ar~ 0 e aln,s , , Dean Carol Andrew, academic teacher educc;1tion, attended the Copege, Do~ge ?1ty, K~ns_ as, dean at S01;1them State College annual meeting of representcv Fr1,ends Umvers1ty, Wichita, · at Maignoli~; Dr. Imon E. tives of Arkansas colleges of- Kansas, Bethel College·, North Bruce, pres~eMnt .o!WilllSoutJhernL fering graduate proo-rams last Newton·; Kansas _and Phillips State College, n. am • ~ u · ·t E ·d Oki ----------- Monday. May 11, at Arkansas n~vers1 Y, m ' a. State College, Jonesboro. ~r. H~ward V. Evans, Dea11 Dr. Virgil Adkisson, dean of o~ .Muskin_gum College, N-~ ~ the graduate school at th~ Uni- Conc?td, 1s scheduled to ~isiti versit.y of Arkansas was direc- Hai:dmg College as a _coordina-t tor of the discussion 'group. Rep- to1:. on March 24. resentatives were present from the University of Arkansas, Ar– kansas State College, Arkansas State Teachers College, Hender– son State Teachers C o lie g e, Ouachita Baptist College, a n d Harding College. (Arie.) Dally CITIZEN, Wed., May 13, 1964
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